Published on: March 9, 2022
Kirsty talks about her first few weeks as a trainee Educational Mental Health Practitioner in our West & Central Lancs MHST
“And we’re off! It is hard to believe that we started out on this adventure six weeks ago! The time has flown by!
“There have been several modules, lots of PowerPoints, interactive sessions – sometimes involving chocolate (thank you Michelle) and a terrifying moment we thought we were going to have to do karaoke (thank you again Michelle).
“We have been getting to know each other, securing ourselves as a team and developing an understanding of what is needed in order to complete this academic year as qualified EMHPs. However, most importantly I know where the coffee shop is for when I arrive at Uni at 9am!!
“We’re on the countdown to our presentation and reflection (our first marked pieces toward our final grade).
“I look forward to Wednesday and Thursday at the Edge Hill uni campus, where there is tremendous support and humour from lecturers and students alike. There is a weighty balance of critical and practical approaches to the EMHP role, which now dovetails in alongside the Compass induction work. I am learning to be happy outside of my comfort zone because it is there that I learn most about myself and what I am capable of.
“I feel in awe of those around me but inspired by them too! I am proud of all we are learning and achieving and the word “team” truly exemplifies how we are functioning now! As for the next months, well, at least I know where I can get my coffee!”😊