Published on: February 17, 2020
Sort it by name and sort it by nature!
In Enfield, Compass delivers two key strands of activity, these are Sort it! the young people’s substance misuse service and Hidden Harm, working to support parents and children and to strengthen family health, resilience and wellbeing.
As Service Manager I’m incredibly proud of our wonderful team and what they have achieved.
The Hidden Harm service is delivered by only two part time members of staff and is once again carrying out vital work with parents, families and their children. Their achievements are even more profound as we note that when Nicole left on maternity leave, we lost a vital strand of the two piece jigsaw, only for rising star Sophie to step into her role in September 2019, step up and stun our amazing Service Coordinator Marsha Matthews.
Sort it are a small team of 4.6 FTEs*, a part time administrator and a handful of wonderful volunteers. As a unified unit they have surpassed every possible obstacle to work with 240 young people a year as well as provide training events for up to 5000 of the Borough’s residents. A truly great achievement.
In addition to the above it’s imperative to acknowledge that whilst on track to achieve our goals, Compass have also ensured a real drive for quality, and in this year alone 3 separate audits have been successfully completed, ensuring that each person we work with is as safe as can be via our safeguarding procedures, working policies and practice.
As the manager of this wonderful team of people I wanted to use this article to say thank you and to inspire them as a group; to continue to provide a great service for young people and families and achieve our year long goals.
Steve Baird, Service Manager
*Full time equivalent