Published on: January 26, 2023
New Outreach and Engagement Worker at Harrow, Yvonne Augustin, is continuing on-the-job training by shadowing Compass colleagues as they speak to young people at events.
Yvonne, who formerly worked in a nursery school, says f her new role at the borough’s Young People’s Substance Misuse Service : “I hope to learn more about what drug and substance misuse is, enabling me to develop my own knowledge and understanding and become more confident in myself so I can connect in a useful and meaningful way with the young people.”
Yvonne said she was thriving in the small team at and was quickly made to feel a part of it and respected for what she brought to it.
She said: “I got comfortable straight away like I knew I wasn’t going to be judged.”
She did not know what to expect before the first event she attended in a shadowing capacity.
She said: “I reported back to my line manager and she said ‘you’re going to be doing this but we’re not going to throw you in the deep end. We want you to do it gradually’. That’s what I love about it.
“They want to give you training, they just want to help you and I love that.
And Yvonne added: “I can’t wait to see what’s to come. I want to make a difference to young people – I want to be that person that helps you as much as I can.”