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Warwickshire (Connect for Health)

Who we are

Connect for Health is a school nurse-led service that supports children, young people and their families in Warwickshire. We deliver key elements of the Healthy Child programme, working to identify and meet the health and wellbeing needs of the school-age population and give individuals the best possible start in life.

Health support for Warwickshire families

Our service is here for all school-aged children (age 5 to 19, or up to 25 for individuals with SEND) and their parents/carers – regardless of whether they attend a mainstream school. Our team includes a range of healthcare professionals, who can offer you support with a variety of health topics.

Support can be provided in a way that suits you, including, individually face-to-face or over the phone, in group workshops or via our confidential text messaging services.

What we can support with

  • Healthy eating
  • Dental health
  • Friendships and relationships
  • Body image
  • Bullying
  • School anxiety
  • Fussy eating
  • Sleep
  • Continence
  • Mental health
  • Sexual health
  • Long-term health conditions
  • Gender and sexuality
  • Parenting
  • Behaviour
  • Referral onto additional services

How you can access our service

If you feel that you, or someone you know, would benefit from our support or like some more information about the service, you can contact us anytime by:

Completing our confidential downloadable referral form. Schools may also find our criteria or emotional health referrals useful. Download our referral form now.

  • ChatHealth confidential text messaging for young people aged 11-19 years on 07507 331 525
  • Parentline confidential text messaging for parents/carers on 07520 619 376
A Connect for Health newsletter on a blue background.
School children sat on the floor during a lesson.
A group of teenagers walking together through a school.
A young boy sat on a potty playing with toilet roll.
Three young children building a jenga block tower with two adults watching.
Connect for Health annual report booklet open on a blue background.
A mother and young boy cooking together at home.
School Nursing Uncovered Podcast artwork.

School Nursing Uncovered Podcast

Listen to episode one ‘The role of the school nurse’, featuring a member of our C4H team for an insight into the school nurse role and our service.

Access to healthcare professionals

When you contact Connect for Health you will have access to a range of different healthcare professionals.

Our School Nurses and Staff Nurses

Our nurses have a wealth of experience and come from a variety of different backgrounds and specialisms. They have expertise with connecting and communicating with children, young people and families and can provide valuable support with a broad range of health issues. Some of our nurses hold the Specialist Community Public Health Nursing qualification and are skilled in Public Health Initiatives.

Our Family Brief Intervention Workers

As part of our skill-mix team we have family brief intervention workers who deliver parent/carer workshops. They are also very experienced at providing one-to-one support for children on a wide variety of health topics.

Our Health Support Workers

Our health support workers visit schools and carry out the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) and Health Needs Assessments (HNA’s). These two assessments help us to identify the health needs of children and young people. We utilise the data from these assessments to structure the types of health interventions the Connect for Health service can offer to schools.

Our role in safeguarding

Our service follows Warwickshire Safeguarding Children’s Board policies and procedures and forms part of multi-agency services for children, young people and families where there are child protection or safeguarding concerns.

Help & support

For information about relevant health and wellbeing topics please expand the sections below.


I am aged under 11 years

Young People

I am aged 11-19 years (up to 25 years old with special educational needs)

Parents / Carers

I am a parent / carer


I am a professional

Callback request

    To request a call back regarding a new referral to the service, please complete the form below.

    Are you a service user, professional or a carer? Please select one of the following:*
    Service UserProfessionalParent or CarerOther