Developing ONE Compass networks of support
by Rachel Bundock, Compass CEO
Welcome to a very sunny and warm June edition. This month’s articles really showcase our engrained desire to help and support others; whether that’s young people, parents/carers, professionals, or each other. What is particularly great to see is the coming together of staff from across Compass to share their knowledge, expertise, and best practice on different subject matters. This has always been at the heart of creating a ONE Compass, where we can all benefit from our diverse skills, knowledge, and lived experiences (both personal and professional) as part of delivering integrated and inclusive models of care for children and young people. It is evident from the conversations I hear and the emails I read that people are starting to come together to develop their shared specialisms and learn from each other – it is really fantastic to see. A very big thankyou to those of who have initiated those cross-Compass sessions.
It was inspiring to read the effect of last month’s ‘May we Move Together’ campaign. A huge congratulations to the Compass Bloom team for achieving so many steps but more importantly sharing their experiences and the benefits it has brought to them personally. As always, the ‘Just say thanks…’ column is a delight to read and exemplifies the point that a little goes a long way. And often it is the simplest of gestures that can make the biggest difference to how we feel.
By the time we publish next month’s edition, many of you will have finished for the summer break. So, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and healthy summer period and hope you get some well deserved time away with your family and friends. I very much look forward to seeing you all in September ready for the new academic year.
Steering Group seeks to embed EDI deeper into every day life at Compass
A total of fourteen members of staff have met as Compass’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion Steering Group to consider new ways to ensure EDI is reflected in all that we do.
The group, which is led by CEO Rachel Bundock and HR Director, Kim Jones, ran out of time in their allotted 90 minute session as members debated how we embed EDI and how we engage more staff and include their points of view.
Speaking at the meeting, Rachel said of the EDI group: “Its history was rooted in Black Lives Matter. It was originally focused on anti-racism and we spent a lot of time looking at that in relation to workforce and service users.
“We’re not there yet. We want EDI to be embedded in all aspects of the organisation.”
Rachel said this should be done in a way that ensured “real value”.
Each EDI group meeting is reminded of its rules of engagement. Members are told it is an open and honest forum for debate. They are expected to be non-judgmental and be aware of their own biases. It is bound by confidentiality.
Reflecting on the meeting, Kim said: It’s been really encouraging to hear the enthusiasm and passion from managers and staff who are keen to be involved on our EDI journey.
“Through additional ideas we are considering to further embed EDI, we aim to ensure EDI considerations become automatic thinking for us all and are simply seen as how we do things here.”
Compass Points hopes to bring you an update on the conclusion of the debate in the next EDI group over the summer.
Carers Champions at our North East Lincolnshire mental health support team service are helping to […] Continue reading
Staff from across Compass travelled to Derbyshire this month to take part in a Restorative […] Continue reading
Restorative Supervision
Please see a link to all named Compass Restorative Supervisors and allocated teams:
U:\Staff Directories\Restorative Supervisors – June 2023.docx
Staff in Compass services who perform training and consultations with children, young people and partner […] Continue reading
Beyond Behaviours is a new parent and carer group designed by supervising practitioners and education […] Continue reading
Year six pupils in West Lancashire have been given some useful strategies to help them […] Continue reading
Staff at Compass Bloom completed a total of 3,248,556 steps, estimated to be 1,421 miles, […] Continue reading
Healthy Eating week is a great opportunity to draw a line in the sand and […] Continue reading
Take Good Care – Your Health and Wellbeing with Danielle Grant
Enjoy the sunshine
It feels like summer and the opportunity and motivation for getting outside is much higher. The days are longer and the weather is warmer; people are happier having more sunlight in their lives. I spoke in the winter months about the effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder and how getting outside into the daylight as much as possible can help. Now it is so much easier; and you will find that having more time in each day means that families have time to fit in all the adult admin and family commitments and having time to play, socialise and be active.
If you are a Morning Lark, you may well find that a good time for you to get out and do a walk or exercise is first thing- with Sunrise so early, it is light by 5am! If you are a Night Owl you may find that a post dinner or even post children’s bedtime walk/ exercise is more viable; sunset is nearly 9pm. Compared to the dark Winter months we have nearly an extra four-five hours in every day.
But, the Summer Solstice occurred on June 21st . It marked the longest day of the year; therefore everyday thereafter, we lose a little bit of that glorious extra time in which we could be outside being active. So all those summer plans for fitness have to start much earlier than you think.
The Summer Solstice is a reminder that time stops for no one; if there is something you want to do, try, work on or accomplish; then the time is now.
Being active has so many benefits- we all know the physiological benefits of a healthy body; but don’t forget the psychological benefits from having a health body and mind. Not only does activity have positive outcomes it can work wonders on reducing the risk or impact of poor health markers too. Sedentary lifestyles increase the risk of Obesity, type 2 Diabetes and the inability to control the body’s blood sugars, some cancers and early death 1* – therefore by being active can avoid these risks.
Gentle to moderate exercise can help reduce stress, improve sleep and regulate hormones; as well as promoting other positive health outcomes such as improving heart health, bone density, balance and body composition. 2* There are many activities you can do- it doesn’t have to be overwhelming or intense to feel the benefits. Walking, mowing the lawn, cycling to work, taking the stairs, carrying the shopping bags to the further car parking space. You might chose that group exercise classes at the local gym are more fun, or jogging with a friend in the lighter mornings/ evenings. It really doesn’t matter what you choose; so long as you enjoy it, can consistently commit to it and it is a viable option for you and your family.
So enjoy the sunshine, get active and feel your wellbeing improve this summer as a mid-year checkpoint for your health.
Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…
Just Say Thanks…
I would like to say a massive well done and thank you to Compass Coventry. The team are working incredibly hard to build our new service whilst supporting children, young people and their families. We have still got much to do but we are all doing our bit from the Clinical Lead to the Data Admin role. I feel very proud to be part of the Compass Coventry Team.
Lynne Tyler – Training & Consultation Worker, Compass Coventry CYP EWS
A shout out to all trainee EMHP’s within Compass Changing Lives for all the work they are putting in to start to deliver screenings, assessments and interventions in the service. Well done!
Thank you, Rachel Zilate for supporting with setting up Beyond Behaviour groups within the service.
Thank you for all the hard work from everyone in the team, you are all awesome and bring the excellence in the services we deliver.
Davinder Kaur Sahota – Clinical Operations Manager, Compass Changing Lives MHST
We would like to thank Jake Pantony (Healthy Lifestyle co-ordinator), he has provided the Healthcare support workers with good leadership and overall support. from Michelle B, Chris P and Afsana
Afsana Iliyas – School Nursing Healthcare Support Worker, C4H
A big thank you to our colleagues in the Specialist team at Compass Be who hosted us for a morning on the 5th June to share good practice. It was a valuable morning, and we took lots of ideas away to help shape our newly formed Specialist team. The biscuits were a bonus 😉 Tracey, Ellie, and Mel
Tracey Carey-Meyrick – Specialist Team Lead, Compass Changing Lives MHST
I would like to say a big thankyou to all of our team leaders in Compass Changing Lives. They are embracing the challenge of setting up more groupwork supported by Chantelle our service manager. They are being very creative in a really positive way including writing stories; knitting characters all of which we will share across Compass when further developed. Do watch this space but is good to observe the team creativity.
Sue Berry – Assistant Director – Operations, Compass Changing Lives MHST
I would like to thank Suz, Abbie, Megan, Bob and Alastair from Compass Warwickshire for allowing me to shadow them and for their support in helping me to settle in. And to Kim who has given so much of her time and showed patience and kindness. I feel so blessed to be working with such wonderful people.
Suzie Hyland, Alcohol Liaison – Warwickshire CYPDAS
We just want to say a great big thank you to Kirstie Hanson for all the time and effort you have given in undertaking our induction and training at Compass, Barnsley, whilst also doing your own job for Compass at Wakefield. You are a great asset to Compass. Love from Amy & Talia 😊
Amy Chappell – Administrator Compass Be.. , Barnsley MHST
Can I please say thank you to everyone in the Rugby team at Connect for Health, particularly Jenni, Sarah and Jake for my congratulations card, flowers and of course Cuthbert cake. I have had my results for my degree and I have passed the academic element of the SCPHN course. Thank you also to Anne for all the support!
Zelah Wickenden – SCPHN Student, C4H
Thank you to all C4H staff who have been out and about attending new parent evenings, I appreciate that many of these events are taking place outside of your normal working hours. Your promotion of the service and SR HNA is making a difference. Thank you also to Tanya, Terri and Katie who have been continuing with the monthly H&S checks at each of the bases.
Karen Cornick – Service Manager, C4H
A big thanks to Debbie for all her support and work in the HR team over these past 12 months especially as she kindly agreed to stay longer than initially expected with us! We’ve really enjoyed you being part of the team and helping out of all manner of items. Hoping you have a great rest over the summer! Best wishes, all in the HR Team xxx
A heartfelt and huge thank you to Fie for all of her amazing hard work, commitment and support in the HR team over the last 9+ years. You really are our “HR guru” with all of your knowledge you’ve amassed over the years coupled with your patience, warmth and kindness, you really have been a wonderful person to all who have worked with you. We are going to miss you massively – it’s going to feel very strange without you ☹ Wishing you every happiness, success and fun in your new role – we hope it turns out to be everything you are hoping for. Best wishes, Kim xxx
Kim Jones – HR Director
Please could you send a massive thankyou to Yasmin Sharpe, for being such a team player on duty and going above and beyond to assist her colleagues
Esther Burt – Mental Health Practitioner, Compass Changing Lives MHST
SMT Update: Rachel to deliver live business update to all staff
At June’s meeting, SMT finalised the organisational Business Plan for 2023-2025 and discussed the best way in which to communicate this to all Compass colleagues. In previous years, Rachel has delivered a pre-recorded video presentation which has allowed the opportunity to look back at our collective achievements well as looking forward to future priorities. This year, SMT decided it wanted to deliver a live presentation by Rachel to all staff so it could feel more inclusive and interactive. Work is now underway to organise this ready for the new start of the academic year in September.
A key item for discussion was the challenges we have been facing in submitting to the mental health data set, which is a contractual requirement for all our MHST and emotional health services. Considerable progress has been made, with the data team working closely with NHS Digital, to ensure the essential fields are coded correctly to enable a successful submission. SMT reviewed its plan and agreed the actions which involves working closely with the ICB regional leads who continue to be hugely supportive.
We also reviewed our internal arrangements for managing contracts with key suppliers to ensure each contract is overseen by a senior leader and that there are routine quality checks conducted with areas identified for improvement.
The team agreed SMT’s high priorities for Q2 (June – August) recognising some important pieces of work that we are already underway with or are time sensitive. These include: data extraction from management information systems (services and workforce), Birmingham and Derby MHSTs Wave 9 and Wave 10 mobilisations, establishing an EDI policy framework and preparation for SMT’s annual strategic planning day in September.
HR Update with Donna Wilson
HR Administration
As you are aware, Fie leaves us on 30th June – we will be very sad to see her leave and grateful for all her hard work, support and commitment in her time with us – we wish her every success in her new role.
In the meantime, Lisa Hoole (who joined us in April) and will be the main person looking after the HR Inbox. In addition, Clare Hitchen works with us alongside others from the HO admin team who support this important area. Laura James will join us in June to work alongside Lisa and Clare
Please direct your HR queries in the following way:
General HR queries should be directed to the HR inbox:
Recruitment and onboarding queries should be directed to the recruitment inbox:
Training queries should be directed to:
HR advice
Danya Altimman, HR Advisor, will provide HR advice for the following services – Barnsley, North Yorkshire, Wakefield, Lancashire, Derbyshire, and NE Lincs.
Charlotte Massey is our new HR & Recruitment Advisor (interim) whose primary focus will be leading the new Birmingham Service from a recruitment/HR perspective and she will provide HR support for Birmingham (once we have them).
In the short term, I will provide HR support for Coventry, Warwickshire C4H, Warwickshire CYDAS, Tower Hamlets and Harrow. In addition, I’ll support the Head Office functions as well as support the advisors with more complex cases. I’m also working on how we (HR) can support our staff and managers better, including family friendly policies, training, implementing streamlined HR processes, optimising our HR systems for better use, as well as other HR related projects. Finally, Debbie Spaven (interim) concludes her contract on 29th June – I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Debbie for all her support, and wish her the nest for the future
You can now get in touch with staff looking after Compass Points via our new email address. It’s
Compass Points email address.
You can get in touch with staff looking after Compass Points via our email address. It’s
If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say thanks
Charity worker shopping discounts
As prices rise in the shops, this may help…
Discounts are available to charity workers and volunteers. All you need is your name, postcode and the charity you work for.
Click the image to learn more.
Compass Awareness Days Calendar for 2023
The Compass Awareness Calendar for 2023 is our most comprehensive yet and has new sources including the NHS. Please take a look to see what’s coming up in the next month or two and through the year.
Tell us your news…