Pride in our progress
Hi everyone –
Summer is here at last. So welcome after all the rain!
There’s so much information this month in Compass Points. We hope it shows how we’re progressing all the time.
We have a comprehensive update on our organisational action plan to address the areas in which we can improve as an Employer of Choice. These areas were identified by way of the lowest scores in the Your Voice’ colleague survey last year.
The staff survey, which was incredibly positive, helped us to understand how we all feel about working here at Compass. It’s an important way of us being able to measure staff satisfaction and engagement. It was great to see so many people take the time to complete it, with so many high positive scores. But of course we want to do better and improve on those areas that we scored the lowest.
That’s what the local focus groups in February and March were all about. And now, we’re acting on the feedback from those groups and have incorporated people’s views within our action plan.
Please read a great update from Kim Jones, our People Director about the steps we’ve taken and the areas we’re prioritising.
Pride month
June is Pride Month and we’re marking it with some really moving pledges in our services, and how we may continue our support for the LGBTQ+ community along with a Compass-wide competition for services to come up with a Pride outfit.
Welcome to our Derby inductees
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to extend a very warm welcome to all staff joining Compass as part of our new Derby Early Intervention & Targeted Support Service. Wishing you an enjoyable first week of induction.
Action Plan as we strive to become an Employer of Choice
Update by Kim Jones, People Director
Following our staff survey ‘Your Voice’ at the end of 2023, we completed some local focus groups across Compass in March and April to help pinpoint which actions we should take to make improvements. The survey results were incredibly positive overall with high agree rates for the vast majority of survey statements.
The areas we scored the lowest in, and thus where we will focus our improvements, were as follows:
- I believe I am compensated fairly for the work I do (20% disagree)
- There are good career development opportunities at Compass (19% disagree)
- I have the tools and resources to do my job effectively (14% disagree)
- I feel that Compass is committed to supporting the wellbeing of its colleagues (10% disagree)
- I think Compass supports a good work-life balance (9% disagree)
One of our key business priorities in 24/25 is working towards becoming an employer of choice.
To help us better understand what employer of choice looks like for us at Compass, we have incorporated feedback from the staff survey including insights from local focus groups. This has helped us distil the key areas of focus into 4 quadrants:
Why is employer of choice important to us?
We want to continue to recruit and retain the best colleagues at Compass and to help people to work well. We are also committed to working with colleagues to have a great experience working for Compass. We want all of us to thrive in our roles, so we have the biggest possible positive impact on those we serve.
What are we doing to work on the above?
Pay & Perks and Colleague Wellbeing: A new steering group is reviewing the current appraisal system and the links to pay award. We will also be reviewing the benefits package including those that align to colleague wellbeing.
Colleague development: We have significantly increased the budget for continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities this year and established a formal CPD application process to help provide positive development opportunities for colleagues.
Our learning and development (L&D) framework has recently been updated with new courses added. We will monitor further L&D gaps and CPD requests via our newly formed L&D steering group that meets on a monthly basis.
In addition, we are investing in further career development opportunities across services initially focusing on increased numbers entering professional training for hard to fill roles. We are also investing further staffing resources to tackle waiting list challenges with flexible roles providing further opportunities to trial new ways of working and potential development options.
Tools & Resources: To improve the tools that people need to do the job effectively, we are working on a comprehensive transformation plan to update a number of our current systems across operations and central services.
This month, we have implemented a new accounts system, AccountsIQ, that will improve financial management information available as well as streamline the process for invoices and purchasing. In addition, changes are being made to IAPTUS, Theseus and EMIS to improve the functionality and reporting capability.
We are also making some changes to our People systems, including our recruitment system, Eploy. This is aimed at improving the candidate experience. It will help us recruit good quality candidates more quickly, as well as obtain improved recruitment data to identify and drive further improvements in recruitment and colleague onboarding.
We have some changes planned for our People Team and payroll systems later this year which will improve the user experience as well as improve workforce data.
We are also planning to introduce a new intranet to improve communication and ease of access for all.
From our recent communication, you will be aware that we are working closely with our IT partner, BCN to drive improvements following the roll out of Azure.
In summary, there are a number of activities that we are working on in response to ‘Your Voice’. As we progress with the actions and improvements, we will communicate these to you.
Laura nominated chair of disability thematic group
The second phase of our EDI thematic group launches began with the group which will focus its attention of Disability.
The meeting, which was held over Teams, was chaired by Sue Cody, our Quality Assurance Lead.
Sue said: “The first EDI Thematic Working Group for Disability was launched this month, it was a great opportunity for staff from a variety of services to come together to start planning initiatives to promote inclusivity, awareness, and equitable opportunities.
“It was evident that staff who attended have such enthusiasm, knowledge and breadth of experience and that will develop and steer the group to benefit the organisation.”
Laura Angel, Team Leader from Compass Be, was nominated as Chair for this group.
EDI Thematic Groups’ Terms of Reference
- Keeping up to date on latest developments and changes in legislation, policy, and best practice.
- Developing strategies and initiatives to promote inclusivity, awareness, and equitable opportunities specific to theme.
- Disseminating best practice and new initiatives across the organisation.
- Creating, updating, and sharing central resources for their area of expertise.
- Increasing awareness and knowledge as part of Compass’ EDI awareness calendar including micro training events such as ‘lunch and learn’ or ‘TED Talks’.
- Identifying barriers and challenges faced by individuals (stakeholders and staff)
Pride pledges in our services
Compass services have made pledges to continue to support the LGBTQ+ community, to mark the annual Pride month of June.
Harry Dixon, who chairs the EDI LGBTQ+ thematic group explained: “The idea for the pledges was for services to be able to make a tangible goal for how they would like to continue supporting the LGBTQ+ community.
“The pledge may be about reaching out to their local community, linking with support groups, or evaluating how they can increase their accessibility to the community.”
He said progress would be reviewed through the EDI Thematic Group meetings.
We pledge to focus on being more visible allies to the LGBTQ+ community and working with the community to learn how we can be more accessible.
We pledge to actively support and engage with LGBTQ+ children and young people by providing inclusive resources, training our team on LGBTQ+ topics, and participating in community events.
We pledge to raise awareness and alliance with people from LGBTQ+ communities by providing specific training for our team.
We pledge to increase our staff confidence when delivering interventions to young people from the LGBTQ+ community.
We pledge to support the LGBTQ+ community, with a focus on increasing visibility and accessibility of our support, while working collaboratively with and learning from the LGBTQ+ community.
Pride outfits competition
Staff in our services have been asked to come up with a pride outfit, which a team member has to model.
Harry Dixon said: “The competition was a result of a thoughtful discussion in the EDI Thematic Group around the importance of services being loud and proud allies to the communities, with visual signifiers being a crucial part of this as reported by the community.
“The aim for the competition is to show our support across Compass for the community. But it’s also to create a fun, team-building opportunity for the team to flex their creative muscles and enjoy doing something fun together.”
Costume competition rules
- Each team should nominate one person within their team to model their outfit.
- You can bring items from home or create your own outfit from scratch.
- Be bold, be creative, be colourful
- Send a picture of your model wearing their outfit to Sue King by Friday 21st of June 2024.
- Rachel Bundock will choose a winner
- The results and all the entry photos will be announced in June’s Compass Points.
Participation model now being tested.
Compass Assistant Director, Jane Wright updates us on significant progress made by the Participation Steering Group.
Involving and keeping young people and families at the centre of everything we do is so important to us at Compass.
We seek their participation in many different ways so we can develop and design services that are tailor made to fit individuals’ needs within a community.
But, as we grow, we now need a framework for participation which enables us to most effectively build on this work.
We’ve been looking at a framework model called ‘Degrees of Participation’. We hope it will help us identify different areas of current participation and also highlight any gaps we may have. We’re testing it right now, but we hope to bring you it by the end of the year.
Our Participation Steering Group, which Rachel Bundock chairs, is working towards rolling out a long-term strategy and action plan that will ensure the voices of children, young people and parents/carers are always central to our thinking and decision-making and help shape and develop our services and organisation.
To learn more about this work, just follow this link. U:\Participation Working Group
Read more about the steering group’s work
A Participation Steering Group began working towards producing an organisational participation framework and strategy in January. As part of scoping the project the group has considered:
- Why it is important
- What outcomes we are trying to achieve
- What national guidance or best practice is out there
- What experiences we can draw from within Compass
Iaptus now being brought to more teams
By Johanne Parker, Compass Head of Data Insights & Intelligence.
Colleagues in Data Insights and Intelligence and Operations are working closely together to bring a new management information system in for Teams working across all our mental health and emotional wellbeing services.
Iaptus CYP is designed to support children and young people’s mental health services in the NHS and third sector. It is cloud-based, customised to our patient pathways, and can be accessed remotely from anywhere with an internet connection.
The system supports practitioners to efficiently record and retrieve information in patient records, freeing up their time for face-to-face contact with the children and young people in their care. It also enables practitioners to deliver secure intervention sessions via video in a patient’s record.
Read more
Already used in our Derby/shire and Birmingham mental health and emotional wellbeing services, Iaptus is now being brought in, in early August 2024, for the following teams, to replace the existing EMIS Mental Health system:
- Compass Be (Barnsley)
- Compass Bloom (Central and West Lancashire)
- Compass Shine (Coventry)
- Compass GO … (North East Lincolnshire)
- Compass Phoenix (North Yorkshire)
- Compass Wakefield (Wakefield)
Best thought of as a new filing cabinet (!), our new instance of Iaptus is being built by the provider (Mayden) and work is underway to clean data before it is imported to our new system, tested and then approved to go live.
Watch this space in future editions of Compass Points for updates.
Compass welcomes Volunteers Week
Compass is giving its full backing to this year’s Volunteers Week, which runs from June 3rd to June 9th.
Rachel Bundock, CEO, said: “Volunteers’ Week is a wonderful celebration of volunteering across the UK.
“As an organisation, we believe very much in volunteering. Our Compass Together volunteering plan is part of who we are and what we want to achieve.
Read more
“We understand how volunteers can help us get the right tone in our services and in our head office, but also as a wellbeing charity, we want to make sure we’re offering a rewarding experience through which people may grow personally and professionally.”
Compass recently relaunched its work with volunteers under the banner of Compass Together. A first wave of services to develop its volunteering included Compass Be, Compass GO, Compass Elevation, Safe East, Changing Lives, CYPDAS, and Connect for Health. A second wave includes Compass Phoenix Bloom and head office.
What is Volunteers Week
“Volunteers’ Week celebrates the amazing contributions volunteers make to communities across the UK.
The celebration starts on the first Monday in June every year. It’s a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank the UK’s incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole.” – from the Volunteers Week website
Compass Together approach
Our approach to developing and supporting a community of volunteers and staff. Respecting equally the skills, knowledge, and experience of paid and non-paid colleagues in one workforce.
With our stated Values and Mission in mind, we work for Compass, together.
We want to hear about your own volunteer stories. Can you answer the same questions? Send it to us by email at Compass Points. Preferably with your head and shoulders picture, too.
More volunteering info
See our new volunteering pages on our website. See useful tools here P:\People\Related documents\Volunteering
Staff at Compass Phoenix delivered a live resilience workshop to more than 4,000 pupils in […] Continue reading
Connect for Health (C4H) acknowledged International Nurses Day this month by celebrating their staff members […] Continue reading
Compass Changing Lives met with Mental Health Wellbeing Captains at Wyndham Spencer Academy to work on an Assembly for Mental Health Awareness Week. Continue reading
Our Compass Wellbeing Trainer Danielle Grant has completed a week long ‘Train The Trainer’ course […] Continue reading
Coming Soon: a new Mental Health & Wellbeing App from Compass Changing Lives. Continue reading
Compass Changing Lives has been producing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter that highlights the important cultural, religious and awareness days of the month. Continue reading
Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…
Congratulations, Talia!
This week wasn’t just our usual Team Meeting, we also celebrated that our wonderful admin member Talia, is just about ready to welcome her baby to the world! Congratulations Talia, wishing you lots of joy and health.
A huge thank you to our admin Julie and Amy for arranging things and making it fun and enjoyable. From all the team at Compass Barnsley
Nothing’s too much trouble
Please can I send a special thank you to Sarah Nicholl from our Admin team who has made me feel so welcome at Compass Bloom since I started in February as a new SP. Nothing is ever too much trouble for Sarah and she is always willing to sort out any technical/Admin issues for me, guide me through new practices and use her creativity to help create wonderful workshop resources for our service. Really appreciate all of her support and kindness 😊 Hazel Broadfield, Supervising Practitioner Compass Bloom
Just want to say a big thank you to Abi who works tremendously hard for the service. Nothing is ever too much for her. She has been an amazing support for me since she has joined the team and I just want to let her know that she is appreciated and we couldn’t do it without her! Samantha Dunkley, Admin & Data Lead, Compass Shine
Fabulous double act
I would like to say big Thank You to Alice Sotirchos and Clare Smith, Compass Phoenix Training & Consultation Workers who delivered two ‘Ready & Resilient’ workshops as part of the North Yorkshire Healthy Schools virtual event, to a whopping audience of over 4000 children and 230 staff from 76 primary schools.
Alice and Clare were very engaging and a fabulous double act, the sessions were very well received with some great feedback. We are excited have been invited back to the third consecutive event to deliver an in-person ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ workshop in June. Rachael Askew, Team Leader, Compass Phoenix
Great teamwork
Can I say a massive thank you to Jamie-Leigh Benson and Leanne Cook for helping me with my case file audits and supervisions this month, we have been super busy the last few weeks and they have both shown what great team work should look like 😊 Vicky Triffitt, Team Leader, Compass Go
Just want to say a massive thank you to Courtney Askey (MHP) and Andrea Wake (EMHP) for all your dedication, outstanding hard work, and congruence for all the CYP and other commitments in the Central Team/wider team. You are both amazing practitioners who put your heart and soul into meeting the needs of the CYP you work with. It is inspiring to work with you both and thank you for being so patient with me whilst I found my feet in my supervising role. Tracy Collins, Supervising Practitioner, Compass Be
Full of positivity
I’d like to say a massive thank you to Smita Sandhu, the initial Team Lead for the new Glossop Compass Changing Lives Mental Health Support Team in Derbyshire. Despite driving two hours each way throughout the winter in the dark every time she came to Glossop, she always arrived ready to tackle any difficulties setting up a new team brings and full of positivity. She has now returned to the Kingsmead team, but I won’t ever forget her kindness and that nothing was ever too much trouble for her, whether it was a ‘pep’ talk or help to fix my front-door! Thank you Smita – Nikki Lawrence, Supervising Practitioner Glossop, Changing Lives
Big Thank you
A big Thank you out to Rebecca Brown – Supervisor Swanwick Team Changing Lives. Thank you for all your hard work and support in the Swanwick team over the past couple of months. – Rachel Zilate Team Lead, Ilkeston and Swanwick Team Leader
True Star
Could you thank Laura McPherson School Staff Nurse from Connect for Health Stratford base.
Laura you have been the only nurse in our base for a while now and I just want to thank you for being a true star in helping the rest of the team even with a heavy caseload of your own and lots of stresses on you over recent months. I am particularly grateful for the support you have given me on my return to the team. Hannah Donohoe, Family Brief Intervention Worker, C4H
I would like to say a massive thankyou to all the team at Compass Bloom, for supporting me in my journey as an EMHP. I would like to say a special thank you to Sami, Ruth, Chelsea, Sophie, Lizzie and Sue who I started my journey at Compass Bloom with and have been a consistent support throughout.
You are all amazing at what you do, and I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. You have inspired me in so many ways, and I have learnt so much from you all. Good luck Compass Bloom, I hope our paths cross again in the future! Lucy Taylor, EMHP, Compass Bloom
Welcoming and supportive
Thankyou to Anne H, Zoe D and Laura L for being so welcoming and supportive since I started in post last month.
It has been an absolute pleasure and they have all really helped me settle in and begin to get to grips with the different services 🙂 Lauren Nixon, Assistant Director of Operations
I would like to say a huge thank you to my awesome Management Team at Compass Bloom who ploughed through a HUGE number of applications when shortlisting for our new Wave 11. Amazing team work from and amazing team – you guys are simply ace! Anne Haines, Service Manager Compass Bloom
Lots of success
Compass Wakefield would like to extend sincere gratitude to Kirstie Hanson for her exceptional hard work and dedication in setting up the service. Kirstie’s efforts have been invaluable and greatly appreciated by all.
We wish you lots of success in your new role, we will definitely have you on speed dial for a few months 😉 Vick Hanley, Service Manager, Compass Wakefield
Invaluable support
A huge thank you to Rich Thomas for his invaluable support, faith, and belief in Compass Shine.
Also to Jan for her recent input into our service; and also to the whole Team, inclusive of additional current staff, which is all significantly helping to reach out to, and support the children, young people, and families of Coventry.
Thank you.- Abi Dean, Practice Supervisor, Compass Shine
Exceptional generosity
I just need to send a huge thank you to the whole of the North Yorkshire team for their exceptional generosity with their time. We have asked and asked of you over the last 18 months and you have just kept giving and we as a leadership team could not be more grateful. You have found time within already stretch diaries to offer so much time for extra duty, groups out of hours, extra admin time, shadowing, cake making (thanks Sarah W and Rachael C) . All whilst still delivering an incredible service and supporting goodness only knows how many young people! You all blow me away and I am so lucky to work with such an incredible bunch of humans- although your knitting skills are questionable!! Thank you all so so much- Lotty x Lotty Jarvis, Team Lead (Clinical), Compass Phoenix
Pip’s skydive for Cruse bereavement.
Pip Nix of Compass Phoenix was due to do a skydive last weekend to raise money for Cruse Bereavement Care.
She says: “Cruse supported me – and my mum and two brothers – when at the age of 10 years old I lost my dad and grandad in a light aircraft crash. We are all painfully aware of how hard it can be for children and young people to access this all-important bereavement support and having experienced the value of it, I am marking 25 years since their passing to face my biggest fear of getting back on a small plane.
“Believe me when I say that jumping out of it will be a relief!”
And she added: “I am not doing this just to raise funds for Cruse, but to make the general public aware of how severe the situation is in regard to bereavement support for CYP.
“I would like to ask kindly that you would please share this wherever you can, whether you are able to donate or not – any support will be so gratefully received.”
Jan Smith, Compass Designated Safeguarding Officer
This month’s safeguarding feature is learning from a case review.
Many of you will remember the media coverage of the tragic death of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes in 2020 who was murdered by his father and then partner.
Following the case review in May 2023 Solihull Council commissioned an independent review specifically to consider the social care practice in Arthur’s case prior to his murder. This review was published this month – the full report is available to read on the Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership website here:
Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership (
The national review highlighted a number of areas for practice equally relevant for all professionals working with children and young people. It provided an opportunity to reflect on some of the themes of previous Compass Points Safeguarding features including professional curiosity, working with partners to safeguard children, information sharing and the necessity for critical thinking particularly when working with families who disguise their behaviours.
The most recent report focusses on the practice of social work professionals responding to concerns about bruising on Arthurs back in the weeks before his murder.
The report recognises elements of safeguarding practice which was appropriate – meeting with Arthur away from adults – established his version of events – asking him to lift his shirt to examine his back. However it is noted that in hindsight it is evident that the adults coached the children in the family to disguise the abuse.
In the context of emerging concerns, there was a failure to engage in a strategic review of all of the information across the agencies, this was a missed opportunity to apply collective analysis of information regarding the risks.
The police did not respond proportionately to pictures depicting severe bruising – the information was not appropriately shared nor investigated despite the credible allegation of a serious assault against a child. Had they done so the report concludes it is possible that Arthur may have been ‘removed from the pathway to harm that he was ultimately on’.
At the point when police did share the photographs with the social care services they should have re-evaluated their position, demonstrated professional curiosity and revisited their approach and they did not.
It is noted in the report that no one involved with the case or the oversight of it, paused to seriously reflect on the fact that Arthur had been injured in this way and to consider how they could help and protect him.
For our practice key learning includes:
- Maintaining professional curiosity and being alert to the capacity of adults to disguise abuse.
- Share information and concerns fully and objectively.
- Seek advice and support if you are uncertain of the action to take – don’t do nothing.
- Put the safety and welfare of the child or young person above all other concerns.
- Evaluate all new information in context not in isolation – look at the full picture.
If you would like to know more about Compass Safeguarding practices or you would like to suggest a focus for the Safeguarding feature in Compass Points which will help your colleagues gain a greater insight into safeguarding practices please let Jan know –
Business development strategy approved
At our May meeting, SLT reviewed and approved the business development strategy for this year (2024/25). The focus of the strategy being on actions that will further support the growth and development of Compass’ three main areas of business: mental health and emotional wellbeing; public health nursing; and risky behaviours. It included:
- Our target tenders over the next 12 months (contracts we need to defend as well as new ones)
- Areas of organic growth that we could work together with managers and teams on that will further enhance existing services.
- A three-year investment by the Board to support ‘added value’ projects. through the delivery of new pilot projects and ways of working that will drive innovation.
- Reviewing local Joint Strategic Needs Assessments to understand the areas of greatest unmet need and to identify new product areas that we could develop new integrated models for.
- Re-imagining Positive Effect; changing it from a training and consultation arm into a social value arm of Compass.
Social value
As we continue to grow, there is an opportunity to change the emphasis of what Positive Effect does that will further enhance how we add real social value to the areas that we serve. Positive Effect was rooted in sharing its public health expertise with local businesses to support their own workplace wellbeing approaches. However, given the size of our footprint we want to shift its focus to one where it works on behalf of managers and teams to develop mutually beneficial corporate partnerships with local businesses (giving and receiving activities that will support the work that we do in an area such as donations, expertise, equipment, training etc.). A steering group will be set up to take this programme of work forward. More information will be shared with staff over the coming months.
Annual CEO presentation
SLT decided to push back the annual online presentation date to early September. The reason being to ensure the implementation of Microsoft Azure platform is fully complete and the platform is working well for everyone. A holding date will put in everyone’s calendars shortly.
Know our Senior Leadership
Contacting your People department
General People Team queries:
Recruitment and onboarding queries:
Training queries:
2024 Awareness Calendar.
Compass head office staff have produced a new Awareness Calendar for use in services.
U:\Staff Updates\Awareness Calendar and newsletter
Compass Points email address.
You can get in touch with Compass Points via our email address. It’s
If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say Thanks
Tell us your news…
Next deadline for Compass Points is Thursday, 20th June, 2024.
Please note that sometimes, we may not publish all stories in the month they are submitted. Because of the volume of Say Thanks messages, we ask that they’re as brief as possible. We may need to edit any submitted content.