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Welcome to Compass Points, September 2024

Moving forward to support our staff and children and young people

Rachel Bundock, compass Chief Executive Officer
Rachel Bundock, Compass Chief Executive Officer

It’s clear that Compass colleagues are fully engaged on several fronts in a relentless drive to be the best we can be to support staff, children and young people and families.

We have news that the next staff survey will be held next Spring giving us time to continue and press on with the positive actions being taken to address the key areas you told us to focus on.

Meanwhile, as a national charity, we are keen not to miss a trick in finding the best digital solutions to help us in our important work with children, young people, and families – so our time is used as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Our dedicated digital solutions group are horizon scanning for the best evidence-based digital interventions – including ensuring those we are using across Compass are working to good effect.

And our offer for staff and beneficiaries is being analysed and refined by our EDI steering and thematic groups which are now all meeting, considering and actioning areas for improvement in tackling health inequalities.

To drive this forward even further, the groups are asking all of us to please go to the equal opportunities area in MyCompass and fill it out as best we can.

Any data used will be anonymised and aggregated and for the purposes of reviewing how representative our services are (local and central teams) and informing how best to support the diverse needs of staff and volunteers.

Annual CEO presentation

Focusing on building the Ultimate Compass

This year’s Annual Live CEO Presentation will be on Thursday 17th October from 2pm – 3pm.

Rachel’s presentation will cover Compass’ strategic priorities for the next financial year. It will also look at our progress against the plans we made last year.

2024 Your Voice staff survey scheduled for next Spring

by Kim Jones, People Director

You may recall we launched our very first Your Voice staff survey last October to provide an opportunity for colleagues to share their experience on working for Compass. Colleague feedback is vitally important to help us define what Employer of Choice really means for us at Compass.

We expected to repeat the survey every 12-18 months to sense check our progress on improvements we are making in response to colleague feedback.

As we work through the proposed changes with colleagues over the next few months, we believe the best timing for repeating the survey will be in Spring 2025 to enable us all to take stock of action we have taken in response to the previous survey.

As a reminder, from the survey and focus groups, we identified four key areas that had the highest impact for colleagues and are the areas we will focus improvements on as we aim to be employer of choice in our sector:

  • ·Pay and Perks
  • ·Colleague Development
  • ·Colleague Wellbeing
  • ·Tools and Resources

During the year we have shared our plans on responding to last year’s Your Voice survey and earlier this month, Kim Jones, People Director, shared that we are proposing some changes to our performance related pay process as a direct result of colleague feedback.

Our proposed changes link to 3 of the 4 areas with a strong link to Pay and Perks in particular as well as impacting Colleague Wellbeing (for additional benefits) and Colleague Development in respect of appraisal. As communicated, a period of collective consultation will begin in October and is expected to conclude in November/December on the proposed changes.

Thank you for your continued feedback and engagement as we work together to create a better workplace for everyone. We look forward to working with colleagues on the proposed changes for pay award as well as hearing from colleagues in the next Your Voice survey next year.

Recent staff survey updates

Update by Kim Jones, People Director

May 2024

Following our staff survey ‘Your Voice’ at the end of 2023, we completed some local focus groups across Compass in March and April to help pinpoint which actions we should take to make improvements. The survey results were incredibly positive overall with high agree rates for the vast majority of survey statements.

The areas we scored the lowest in, and thus where we will focus our improvements, were as follows:

  • I believe I am compensated fairly for the work I do  (20% disagree)
  • There are good career development opportunities at Compass (19% disagree)
  • I have the tools and resources to do my job effectively (14% disagree)
  • I feel that Compass is committed to supporting the wellbeing of its colleagues (10% disagree)
  • I think Compass supports a good work-life balance (9% disagree)

One of our key business priorities in 24/25 is working towards becoming an employer of choice.

To help us better understand what employer of choice looks like for us at Compass, we have incorporated feedback from the staff survey including insights from local focus groups. This has helped us distil the key areas of focus into 4 quadrants:

Why is employer of choice important to us?

We want to continue to recruit and retain the best colleagues at Compass and to help people to work well. We are also committed to working with colleagues to have a great experience working for Compass. We want all of us to  thrive in our roles, so we have the biggest possible positive impact on those we serve.

What are we doing to work on the above?

Pay & Perks and Colleague Wellbeing: A new steering group is reviewing the current appraisal system and the links to pay award. We will also be reviewing the benefits package including those that align to colleague wellbeing.

Colleague development: We have significantly increased the budget for continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities this year and established a formal CPD application process to help provide positive development opportunities for colleagues.

Our learning and development (L&D) framework has recently been updated with new courses added. We will monitor further L&D gaps and CPD requests via our newly formed L&D steering group that meets on a monthly basis.

In addition, we are investing in further career development opportunities across services initially focusing on increased numbers entering professional training for hard to fill roles. We are also investing further staffing resources to tackle waiting list challenges with flexible roles providing further opportunities to trial new ways of working and potential development options.

Tools & Resources: To improve the tools that people need to do the job effectively, we are working on a comprehensive transformation plan to update a number of our current systems across operations and central services.

This month, we have implemented a new accounts system, AccountsIQ, that will improve financial management information available as well as streamline the process for invoices and purchasing. In addition, changes are being made to IAPTUS, Theseus and EMIS to improve the functionality and reporting capability.

We are also making some changes to our People systems, including our recruitment system, Eploy. This is aimed at improving the candidate experience. It will help us recruit good quality candidates more quickly, as well as obtain improved recruitment data to identify and drive further improvements in recruitment and colleague onboarding.

We  have some changes planned for our People Team and payroll systems later this year which will improve the user experience as well as improve workforce data.  

We are also planning to introduce a new intranet to improve communication and ease of access for all.

From our recent communication, you will  be aware that we are working closely with our IT partner, BCN to drive improvements following the roll out of Azure.

In summary, there are a number of activities that we are working on in response to ‘Your Voice’. As we progress with the actions and improvements, we will communicate these to you

July 2024 update

New team and leadership awards

Compass’s annual award scheme for staff is being extended to recognise great work by teams and managers.

Alongside the existing annual Values Champions Awards, there will be an Innovation Team Award, an Outstanding Performance Team Award, a Participation Team Award and a Leader of the Year Award.

And great team work is being further rewarded with an increase in funding for the Everyday Hero award from £2.50 per head to £7.50 per head.

People Team Director, Kim Jones said: We are delighted to be adding more ways that we can showcase and reward our talented and committed colleagues across Compass and show them how much they are valued.

“Acknowledging and celebrating our colleagues, both as individuals and within their teams through MyCompass Awards is a key component within our action plan to become the employer of choice in our sector.”

Compass Your Voice staff survey

Kim said her team was working on a number of different projects to help Compass become an employer of choice in our sector. The extension of the awards scheme is a response to what people said in the Your Voice staff survey, which ran last October.

Kim said: “From the staff survey, one of the areas we are looking to review is “Pay and Perks” – reviewing our reward and recognition policy and adding to this forms part of that action plan for this area.”

Read more about the new awards, who they’re for and how to nominate.

Click here for updated list of all the awards

Say Thanks

For individuals and teams. Anyone can nominate. Opportunity to publicly recognise and acknowledge great support and help from peers and others.

Winners get – Recognition in Compass Points.

Every day hero

Individual or Team award. Nominated by line manager. Intended for line managers  to award individual or team excellence particularly in line with Compass values.

Winners get – Letter or card expressing their gratitude Gift or vouchers up to a maximum of £25 (individual only). Food treat such as pizza lunch, cupcakes up to £7.50 per head (team only)

CEO Values Champion

For individuals. Nominated by Line Manager. Nominations to be made of staff who are role models on our Compass values and thus display many of the exemplary category attributes for a particular value.

Winners get – £500 award – An extra day’s leave (to be taken within 12 months of the award date) – Award trophy presented by a member of SLT with a letter of recognition

Leader of the Year Award

For Individuals. Nominated by anyone. To recognise a leader who helps to inspire and motivate others, is inclusive of everyone, and works to improve the quality of Compass services.

Winners get £500 award – An extra day’s leave (to be taken within 12 months of the award date). – Award trophy presented by a member of SLT with a letter of recognition.

Innovation Team Award

This is a team award. Anyone can nominate the team. It’s for a team which has developed an innovative idea to add value or to enable Compass to make a difference. The winning team gets a special celebratory event.

Outstanding Performance Team Award

For teams. Anyone can nominate. It’s for a team which has demonstrated outstanding performance in delivery of its service/department. The winning team gets a special celebratory event.

Participation Team Award

It’s for teams. Anyone can nominate. For a team which has demonstrated great practice in delivering robust and meaningful participation with its key stakeholders. The winning team gets a special celebratory event.

Kim said: “The CEO Values champion awards is directly connected to the values, of course.  But the other awards we have added in are also recognising those behaviours we want to encourage and celebrate.”

She explained the purpose of the colleague reward and recognition scheme was to “support the continuing development of a culture whereby we all feel valued for the work we do and are recognised for the contribution we make”.

The scheme’s aim is to ensure that our people feel recognised for things such as:

  • Living our values
  • High levels of care – be that for children/young people/families, or colleagues
  • Going the extra mile or going above and beyond
  • Influencing change in practice or innovation to improve health outcomes
  • Consistently high levels of performance
  • Great examples of participation
  • Great leadership

Don’t forget about the “every day” ways to recognise your colleagues via “Say Thanks” in Compass Points each month and “Everyday Hero” scheme for manag

New digital solutions being considered

Compass Digital Solutions Group is considering three different workstreams right now.

The group aims to identify, evaluate, test and recommend and coordinate different digital solutions to help staff do their work.

Rich Thomas, chair of the group, said it’s currently looking at the effectiveness of OSI-Cat Evaluation. It’s also engaged in the SilverCloud Implementation in Derbyshire and a NVR (Non-Violence Resistance) Pilot in Birmingham.


Rich said the purpose of the DSG was to maintain and develop a reliable, evidence-based and efficient digital solutions framework, applied consistently across the organisation.

This was in order to meet the needs of children, young people and families (CYPFs) in contact with our services as well as the expectations of the range of commissioning bodies.

He said: “The group is responsible for the continuous review of existing digital solutions deployed throughout Compass. It’s also about identifying opportunities for change, development and improvement of all digital solutions.”

The DSG aims to ensure Compass remains at forefront of digital delivery and identify new workstreams achieved through:

  • Routinely reviewing and updating Compass’ Digital Solutions Framework including a list of approved solutions and apps for use with CYPFs.
  • Identifying Digital Champions for each solution who provide implementation and operational support to services.
  • Provide feedback and updates on approved tools
  • Monitoring and reviewing annual evaluations of all Compass Digital Solutions to ensure solutions remain effective and provide value for money.
  • Mobilisation, monitoring and assess new digital solutions
  • Approve service initiation forms to pilot where appropriate. Adhere to Compass contract monitoring guidance and processes.
  • Provide updates on digital and communications 

Rich added: “I’m very interested in how digital solutions can complement traditional therapeutic delivery.

“Being able to understand and explore innovative digital solutions and how they may benefit CYPF Compass supports is an exciting part of my role as Chair of the DSG.”

Striving to bring Cultural Competency workshop to more staff

The EDI steering group discussed how best to spread the word about cultural competency to more staff, at its meeting this month.

In the first of a series of reports from chairs of our EDI thematic working groups (TWGs), Natalie Mason, chair of the Race and Culture Thematic Group said she had delivered two sessions of Cultural Competency Training to the group.

The meeting discussed options for sharing Cultural Competency Training across the organisation. A train the trainer format was talked about. But it was recognised the ability to encourage thought provoking, authentic communication and the confidence of person delivering the training was key to its success.

The steering groups also heard from the chairs of the LGBTQ+, the SEND & Disability and Gender thematic working groups.

Harry Dixon, chair of the LGBTQ+ group said the thematic group had identified “quick wins” such as pride badges, the outfit competition which was taken up by staff in the summer and the marking of Pride Month. Individual services’ pride pledges were being included in a new poster.

Laura Angel, chair of the merged SEND & Disability group discussed how the organisation might mark the International Day of Persons with Disability on 3rd December. She said the group was also working up their pledges to be shared.

Amanda Gallagher, chair of the Gender TWG, reported on its first meeting earlier this month, where members had begun working on their own Gender pledge. The group was to assess gender data from services, aiming to identify any barriers to inclusion.

Compass Quality Assurance Lead, Sue Cody thanked the chairs of the EDI TWGs.

She said: “We’d like to thank Natalie Mason, of Safe East, (Race and Culture) , Harry Dixon, of Compass Go (LGBQT+), Laura Angel of Compass Be (SEND/Disability) and Amanda Gallagher, of Shine (Gender).

“We really appreciate your commitment and dedication to leading the way forward with EDI in Compass. 

And she added: “Also, a huge thank you to all of the EDI thematic group members involved across the organisation for your time, commitment and engagement in the meetings sharing ideas, best practice and experiences which is supporting and shaping the work within each group.”

People Director ,Kim Jones, said: “It was fantastic to hear from all 4 chairs of the EDI thematic groups. All spoke with great passion and enthusiasm outlining the progress they are making in their groups and sharing ideas on common themes being identified.

Understanding Our People

by Jan Smith, Operations Director

Hopefully by now colleagues across Compass have seen an e-mail request and started to update the additional personal information on their My Compass record.

As an organisation, committed to continuous development and improvement in our workforce practices this information provides a real opportunity to recognise and understand the diverse needs of our people and to make sure our policies and practice reflect these needs.

The Compass Equality, Diversity and Inclusion group are looking at how they can gather information and data to help inform their work, and support Compass to both develop a workforce which is representative of the communities we serve and to support the diverse needs of staff.

We are therefore asking everyone to consider adding this additional information to their own My Compass record by following the few simple steps (the whole process should take no more than 2 minutes)

  1. Log into My Compass
  2. Navigate to Personal Data
  3. Navigate to Personal Information
  4. Navigate to Personal Details
  5. Navigate to Equal Opportunities
  6. Complete those fields you are happy to.

Although this is not compulsory, and staff will not be directly impacted by not completing this additional information however, we hope you will join us and contribute to our ambition to further develop Compass as an inclusive employer.

Personal information for these purposes will be used as anonymous data only but if you have a specific need you may want to talk to your line manager about workplace support.

New accessibility feature on our website

The Accessibility toolbar which is at the top of our website and can be accessed by clicking the icon there, has a new feature.

Our website users can now increase the size of the cursor. This has a number of benefits for people with sight issues, making the cursor easier to track across the page. And it also helps people who may have issues controling precise movements of their hands.

accessibility button

Improved Visibility

For people who have low vision or visual impairments, normal sized cursors can be difficult to see, particularly when it moves across pictures.

Reduced Strain

An enlarged cursor allows for smoother movement across the screen, decreasing the effort needed to track it.

Enhanced Precision

For individuals with motor challenges, such as tremors or other conditions that affect hand coordination, a larger cursor makes it simpler to point, click, and select items on a webpage. 

Cliff Edwards, Compass Marketing and Communications Manager, said: “Our accessibility toolbar is a very important part of our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. We want everyone to have equal access to the information there.

“The online experience for our stakeholders has to reflect this, so it’s great that this further improvement has been made.”

More information about the Recite Me customisable cursor can be found here.

Award winner Emma fills a new role

Emma Turton

The Compass Be MHST service in Barnsley has introduced a new positon of Whole School Approach Practitioner, with Emma Turton filling the role.

Vick Hanley, Service Manager, said the WSA Practitioner role was implemented in response to a need for a more coordinated approach to the WSA work being delivered across the borough now the team has grown and more WSA support is being offered and delivered.

Emma had been an Assistant EMHP. She had worked on the creation, implementation and delivery of the primary class workshop packages for Compass Be MHST and in her previous role implemented the Events Process for WSA, also developing a Workshop Booklet for Supervising Practitioners to run alongside this.

Workshop training is due to be delivered for practitioners so that more staff can deliver whole class workshop packages in their locality schools as requests for these increases.

Emma said: ““This is an exciting time for Compass Be as the service continues to grow and we explore and draw on all the different skills people bring to the team.”

And Vick added:  “I am delighted to have created this role to co-ordinate and support our whole school approach work in Barnsley. This is a great opportunity for Emma and I am excited to see how the role develops over the next few months”. 

Exploring the 5 Ways to Wellbeing at Lady Manners School

Compass Changing Lives staff organised a day of activities themed around the 5 Ways To Wellbeing at Lady Manners School in Bakewell. Continue reading

Team Away Day in Castleton for Changing Lives

Colleagues came together for the Compass Changing Lives summer Team Away Day in Castleton, Derbyshire, to have fun and get to know each other better. Continue reading

Compass Shine’s away day

Compass SHINE held its first Away Day, at an art gallery in Coventry.

Herbert Art Gallery and Museum in Coventry

Rich Thomas, Service Manager, said: “This was our first away day and a significant milestone.

“It provided the opportunity for the team – both Shine and CLA team – to spend time together to consider and reflect upon Compass values and how as individuals and a collective, these can be implemented through our practice with children, young people and families.”

Rich said: “It was fantastic to see the team come together for our first away day. Organised by Abi our Practice Supervisor, the day gave a chance for staff, away from our day-to-day activities, to spend time learning, reflecting and having fun with each other.

Staff had the opportunity to work in teams to win a marble run challenge, tour a beautiful museum and participate in a therapeutic art creation with clay.”

And he added: “A very wholesome day was had by all and we’re looking forward to our next one!”

Phoenix meets the Llamas

by Lotty Jarvis

Compass Phoenix set off across the Yorkshire Dales to Nidderdale for an away day like no other! 

We started the morning at a tiny village hall, in a village no-one has ever heard of or could find, where we shared cakes and sandwiches and entertained Zoe with her ‘getting to know you games’!

Phoenix has grown significantly over the last few months so for the first time in a long time we were a fully staffed staff team with no vacancies and we welcomed new members with a llama pen and a good few giggles. 

After lunch and a bit of serious business about the incredible transformation of the teams waiting list and wait times, we set off again up a very long and winding hill to Nidderdale Llama centre. 

We all had a brilliant time getting to know our llamas and invested our time in a beautiful afternoon mindfully wandering the Yorkshire dales whilst getting to know each other better!

Everyone fed back on how much they benefitted from the whole day and the amazing impact it had on our wellbeing. We are now considering asking commissioners for funding to set up llama therapy (this is not an evidence-based intervention but one we all saw the benefits off!) 

Great fun was had by all! 

Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…

Blooming marvels

A great big well done to Mia Leyland who has been simply amazing in organising and leading her new Wave 11 team in Chorley. Welcoming another 23 schools to Compass Bloom – Mia you are simply ace 😊 and thank you for everything you do.

A huge welcome to our new Wave 11 Trainee EMHPs at Compass Bloom. Grace, Anna, Romana and Louise it is great having you as part of the team and we wish you the best of luck as you start your course at Edge Hill University.

I just wanted to say a great big thank you to Jude Ashworth our Clinical Operations Manager at Compass Bloom. Her can do and supportive attitude to all that we do is such an amazing strength and one of many. Thanks for everything Jude.

And huge congratulations from everyone at Compass Bloom to Ruth Mills and Sophie Corless who have both been promoted. Ruth will start her training to become our Senior Wellbeing Practitioner this month and Sophie is now a Trainee Supervising Practitioner. Well done to you both, very much deserved promotions and we are excited to see how you grow and develop in your new roles. Anne Haines, Service Manager – Compass Bloom

Fantastic role model

I would like to thank Michelle Eyre, Team Lead at Compass Be for being a fantastic role model to all within our team. She embodies Compass Values, supports people in her team to develop, and is also amazing ensuring the wellbeing of the team is prioritised. I really appreciate her for being such a positive part of our team. Thank you Michelle 😊 Laura Angel, Team Leader, Compass Be

Amazing support

Could we give a big thank you to our locality 8 team in Birmingham. Lucy and Joe have been amazing in supporting our team as we develop. We appreciate all their help and guidance, they are never too busy to give us the time we need. Thanks from Nicole, Pete, Kelsi and Sherlock

A massive thank you to Aneesa for being the most brilliant supervisor. Aneesa offers the time and space for me to grow and reflect and my experience and confidence has grown as a result. – Nicole Folbigg, TEMHP, Compass Birmingham 

Big thank you

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Compass Bloom, it’s with a heavy heart that I say goodbye.

Thanks to my wonderful supervisors Hayley and Adele, for the skills and knowledge you have shared with me, as well as always knowing the right things to say. You’ll never know how much you have shaped me as a practitioner and the confidence you have both gave me.

Hannah my team leader, for keeping us all together, listening and being there for me.

Sophie, Lizzie and Chelsea for making me cry with laughter all the time! The three of you are amazing and you all brighten up any room you go in.

Zoe and Claudia, I have loved getting to know you both over the last nine months. Don’t worry, the training year will be a distant memory before you know it. The children and young people you work with are very lucky.

To Becky, Salma, Alana and Deb, my wonderful friends, you’re four of the best people I have known. I’m so grateful to you, thanks for all the laughs we have shared, the endless advice you’ve all given me and making me feel I can conquer the world. One less in the headcount now Salma, don’t go forgetting my name. Goodbye everyone (rock fingers). – Carolyn Riley, EMHP, Compass Bloom

Immense thank you

I would just like to say an immense thank you to the whole team at Compass Be, following the support that was offered to one of our local schools after a tragic and heart-breaking accident.

The response from the team offering support was awe-inspiring and I cannot tell you, just how proud I am to work with such wonderful people who took the time to support, offer check-ins and attend the events within school.

The family and school are ever so appreciative and have commented on how helpful they have found our team’s support.

Additionally, I would like to offer an extended thanks to our bereavement team, in particular, Helen Scouller (bereavement counsellor) who absolutely stepped up in her role in prepping the team for the events at school and validating our own worries and offering reassurances though out.- Tracy Collins, Supervising Practitioner, Compass Be

Generous bunch

I would like to add my thanks to everyone at Compass Be who brought in donations for National Food bank day this September. You are a kind and generous bunch! Thank you all

Louise Doughty, Team Lead, Compass Be

Great North runner

I would like to thank all my colleagues in Connect for Health who donated to my fundraising page for Guts UK as I ran the Great North Run in Newcastle on 8th September.  There was fog on the Tyne and lots of rain but the support along the route was fantastic. I managed to surpass my target and get a nice medal and t-shirt for finishing the race! The charity means a lot to my family following my Dad’s passing from liver cancer so I appreciate the support. – Hannah Donohoe, Family Brief Intervention Worker, C4H

Smashed it

Could I give a shout out to the Swanwick and Ilkeston Teams in Changing Lives. Thank you for all your support through the Summer you have smashed the Assessment waitlist for both teams. I am so grateful to be working with you. Never forget how amazing you all are!!!! – Rachel Zilate, Swanwick and Ilkeston Team Leader, Compass Changing Lives MHST

Top Practitioner

Wave 10 trainees would like to say a big thank you to Joe Bertram, school’s practitioner at Birmingham MHST. I am a trainee from Joe’s locality, so work closely with him, but I know from speaking to other trainees outside of his locality (specifically Priyanka, Jess H, Mel, but I know many others would agree as well) and my fellow locality 8 trainees (Nicole, Kelsi, Phoebe) that Joe is 100% one of the most helpful and welcoming people at Compass. He is always busy, attending loads of WSA alongside his work as an IPT-A HI therapist, but this doesn’t stop him from making time when any of the trainees need support. He is always empathetic to our specific problems and his background as a social worker is invaluable for working with safeguarding cases. So shoutout Joe, top practitioner but more importantly top bloke!!! – Peter Marfleet, TEMHP, Compass Birmingham

Feeling inspired

Thank you to Donna Wilson and Triona Tootle for the training you provided in Sheffield around Performance Management.

I thoroughly enjoyed the 2 days you are both so knowledgeable I certainly left feeling inspired not only regarding the topics we covered but also been with other leads and service managers from Derby, Phoenix, Rugby and NEL. We had some great in-depth discussions and both your facilitation of this was brill.

Thanks again and please can we have some refresher training every 12 months it would have my vote. Take care you amazing bunch 😊- Michelle Team Lead Specialist Service Compass Be

Feel so welcome

I would like to send a thank you message to everyone for making me feel so welcome as a newbie, and for being super supportive! Warmest regards – Shailey Sokoli, MHP, Compass Changing Lives MHST

Bringing cake

I may not say it often enough, but just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work.

Now we are a full team (with new members) I look forward to working with you all in the coming months on all the creative ideas you bring (and yes, I will bring cake 😊) – Tracey Carey-Meyrick, Specialist Team Lead / Supervising Practitioner, Compass Changing Lives MHST

Warm welcome

Thank you for the warm welcome I have received at Compass – it makes all the difference to a new starter.  I’m excited about the adventures ahead! – Sarah Watson, Learning & Development Manager


Please can you say thank you and congratulations to Hannah Roberts at Connect for Health who has qualified as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (School Nurse). Hannah is truly a great asset to the service and has embraced her new role with enthusiasm and passion.

Thank you Hannah for all that you do from the Rugby Team, Connect for Health! – Zelah Wickenden, School Nurse, C4H

A real team effort

A massive THANK YOU to Shakira Lawal, Sarah Walton, Daniel Streets, Colin Quigley, Jane Wright, and Cliff Edwards!

A real team effort to get The DUST (drug Use screening tool) off the ground…Shakira and I could not of completed this task with out you all.

Thank you all so much! Your opinions and input over the last few weeks have been so important. From the back-and-forth e mails, the amendments, the website, to the legal paragraph, and the QR code!!  

We really value and appreciate your time and support! 😊 – Vic Jones, Service Manager, Safe East Team.

Jan Smith, Ops Director and DSO.

Jan Smith, Compass Designated Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding Policy Update and Mental Capacity Act.

This month’s safeguarding feature is an update on Compass Safeguarding Policy. The Compass Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk Policy and Procedure is updated at least annually – more frequently if there is change in national policy or learning. In September this included update with reference to Keeping Children Safe in Education Guidance 2024, inclusion of a section on staff who experience domestic abuse, inclusion of CAFCAS Child Exploitation Screening Tool at Appendix 5 and greater clarity on our responsibilities under the Mental Capacity Act (MCA).

Although much of our work at Compass is with children the MCA applies to people aged 16 years and over so is relevant for the post-16’s and young adults we work with. The main aim of the Act is to ensure that people participate as fully as possible in all decisions relating to them.

Provisions in the Act protect those who cannot make their own decisions about a particular matter for any reason whether temporary or permanent. It reflects the fact that a person’s mental capacity (ability) may vary over time and/or may depend on the type of decision that needs to be made recognising that mental capacity is therefore time and decision specific, not a fixed notion of a person’s overall competence.

The Mental Capacity Act sets out 5 principles on which we should establish our practice, as:

1. Presumption of capacity

Start off by thinking that everyone can make their own decisions. Ask yourself, “does it appear that this person can make this decision?” Are you assured that they have understood? If not, apply principle 2 (below).

2. Being supported to make their own decisions

Give the person all the support you can to help them make decisions. To justify an intervention, you must show that you have taken all practicable and realistic steps to help them to make the decision, such as explaining the risks and benefits to help them to make an informed choice and decide whether to give or withhold consent. This might mean using a different form of communication.

3. Unwise decisions do not necessarily mean lack of capacity

Keep in mind that just because the person has made a choice in one area of their lives that seems to you unwise it doesn’t automatically mean that they lack capacity in a different choice at a different time.

Remember: one person’s seemingly unwise decision is another person’s calculated risk. However, if you have tried all practicable steps to support them to make the choice themselves, they are unlikely to regain capacity and/or the decision cannot be delayed, and support has not been successful then apply principles 4 and 5 (below).

4. Decisions must be taken in the person’s best interests

Anytime someone does something, or decides for someone who lacks capacity, it must be in the person’s best interests. The MCA provides a non-exhaustive checklist of factors that decision-makers must work through in deciding what is in a person’s best interests:

  • find out the person’s views, wishes, feelings and beliefs
  • encourage and support participation
  • identify all relevant circumstances
  • with consent consult others (anyone engaged in caring for the person, relatives, friends, or others who take an interest in the person’s welfare)
  • adopt the maxim ‘No decision about me without me’

Any best interest decision must be made in the person’s best interest not solely the best interest of services, family or professionals.

5. Carefully consider actions to ensure the less restrictive option is taken

The decision maker should always consider whether it is possible to provide the intervention or support in a less restrictive way. Is there a less restrictive and or intrusive option that will achieve the desired outcome?

If you have concerns about a child, young person or vulnerable adult please discuss them with your local Designated Safeguarding Lead or contact Compass Designated Safeguarding Officer

Quality assurance
Sue Cody portrait

by Sue Cody, Compass Quality Assurance Lead

Clinical Governance Group Non-Executive Director Service Visit to Connect 4 Health.

On the 6th 9th September 2024 Claire Woods, Non-Executive Director (NED) and Chair of the Clinical Governance Group (CGG), Len Pendle, Non-Executive Director and member of the Clinical Governance Group (CGG) and I visited Connect for Health, school nursing service for the day in their Rugby base.

Karen Cornick Service Manager said: “It was lovely to have the NEDs come and visit.  We were able to give them lots of information about the service and how it operates and staff enjoyed the opportunity to meet them.  They seemed to like the itinerary we had put together.”

The day included a meet and greet, a discussion with staff about  local achievements and challenges, a presentation by Hannah Roberts, school nurse, on her work with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Community, alongside a discussion with Gaynor Barrs and Leanne Joyce – both family brief intervention workers. And Kiera Dickie, learning disability practitioner, about the work that they are involved with. 

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“I enjoyed demonstrating EMIS and School Screener to the NEDS.  They asked informed questions and they said that they were now able to understand some of its strengths of the systems from a record keeping and data collection point of view.”

Len Pendle said: “Once again, this was a well-organised visit , which gave us the opportunity to meet the staff, hear about their challenges and achievements and to experience their commitment and loyalty to Compass and for NEDs to hear and see what is really happening on the frontline. 

“Our overall impression was of a well organised group which is using resources creatively and that everyone is both passionate and proud of the work they are doing. There is a rich skill mix ‘jigsaw’, with staff joining the team from a wide range of career pathways and the culture appears to be one of valuing everyone’s contribution and expertise.  We really appreciated the openness of everyone we met.”

This is the second Non-Executive Director site visit this year with the Quality Assurance Lead. It is one of the ways Compass will continue to connect with colleagues from across the organisation in quality improvement and the development of effective services, this will provide opportunities for staff to share openly their experiences of working in Compass. The outcomes of the visit will be shared with the Clinical Governance Group, SLT and the Board with any areas identified for action will be discussed at Clinical Governance Group and with the Board.

It is our aim to visit all services over the coming years, thank you so much for hosting the day, Connect 4 Health.

  • BLS – face to face – Coventry – 18th Dec – plenty of space
  • Safeguarding L3 – Tuesday 12thNovember – plenty of space
  • Safeguarding L4 – Weds 9thOct – Plenty of space
  • More dates in hand and being arranged.

In this month’s meeting, SLT took stock on progress against its current high priorities. Firstly, the significant gains made in implementing our new Derby/shire Early Intervention and Targeted Support Service and its integration with our Changing Lives (MHST) service.

We are on track to successfully meet our implementation plan timescales to date which is a credit to all the staff who have been involved including those who transferred over to Compass. A fantastic team effort all round.

Secondly, the progress made by the two tendering teams working on the Tower Hamlets integrated health and wellbeing service tender (bringing together school nursing, substance misuse and sexual health into one integrated model) and Warwickshire Children and Young People’s Drug & Alcohol Service re-tender.

Both tenders are due to be submitted at the end of September and October respectively, and as they include our existing services, they have been a number one priority, ensuring we dedicate the time and resources needed to submit the best tender possible.

Lastly, we also considered the actions from the recruitment and staff attrition working groups led by the People team to improve staff experience as a result of feedback and learning.

This included ‘a day in the life of a trainee’ communications piece to help prospective candidates know what to expect from the role, and using assessment centres in Birmingham as a way of effectively recruiting to multiple roles where we have either large numbers of vacancies or new services (as in the case of Birmingham).

In addition, a roll-out of the amended exit interview process was approved which will help us to better understand and capture peoples’ reasons for leaving and how we can use staff insights to further improve our processes and ways of working that help us to become an employer of choice.

Know our Senior Leadership

Rachel Bundock, Chief Executive. Click pic for more info.
Sue Cody, Quality Assurance Lead.
Click pic for more info.
Olakunle Dare, Finance & Corporate Services Director
Jane Wright, Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info

Kim Jones
Kim Jones,
People Director.
Click pic for more info.
sue berry
Sue Berry,
Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info.

Jan Smith, Operations Director. Click pic for more info.

Lauren nixon
Lauren Nixon, Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info.

Contacting your People department

General People Team queries:

Recruitment and onboarding queries:

Training queries:

2024 Awareness Calendar.

Compass head office staff have produced a new Awareness Calendar for use in services.

U:\Staff Updates\Awareness Calendar and newsletter

Compass Points email address.

You can get in touch with Compass Points via our email address. It’s

If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say Thanks


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