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Compass offers a confidential text messaging service to young people aged 11-18 across North Yorkshire. The service was named in conjunction with young people and is called BUZZ US.

By texting the service on 07520 631168 you will be able to receive confidential advice, support and signposting from a wellbeing worker within one working day via text.

When you text BUZZ US you will receive a message letting you know if we are open or closed. Within this text it will also let you know what you can do if we are not open and you need help in the meantime. This includes information such as contacting your doctor, visiting a NHS walk-in centre or calling NHS 111. You can also look up your local child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) crisis number. Also remember that if it is an emergency dial 999 or visit A&E.

Young people can text BUZZ US about any mental health or wellbeing concerns such as low mood, stress, eating problem, self harm, anxiety or self esteem. When you text the service the wellbeing worker will get back to you within one working day. So it is important to remember that if you are in need of urgent help or you feel in crisis to contact the help suggested above. Once the wellbeing worker has introduced themselves they will then start to ask you questions around your problem to make sure that they are offering you the right support, advice or signposting.

Once you have received the help you need we will close the conversation and ask for your feedback. Remember you can always text back at anytime in the future to get support if you need it. If you do ever text in again we will not know that it is you and it important to remember that we may ask some of the same questions again.

The service is open Monday – Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4.30pm (excluding Bank Holidays).

You can also stop receiving messages from BUZZ US at any stage by texting STOP to the number. Compass record and keep all messages they receive in their central files.


We do not usually inform parents, teachers or anyone else if you contact BUZZ US. We might inform someone if we were concerned about your safety, but we would usually speak to you first.

Your messages are stored and can be seen by other Compass staff who follow the same confidentiality rules. We aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate bounce-back to confirm we’ve received your text.

Texts will not be seen outside of normal working hours. If you need help before you hear back from us, contact your doctor, visit a NHS walk-in centre or call NHS 111. If it is an emergency, dial 999 or visit A&E. Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages.

We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some ‘number masking’ mobile apps).

Prevent BUZZ US sending messages to you by texting STOP to our number. Please respect your school’s mobile phone policy. Messages are charged at your usual rates.

BUZZ US messaging service
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Details of Compass BUZZ Training Services
Frequently Asked Questions
Youtube Channel

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