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Welcome to Compass Points, August 2024

Developing the framework for our future

Rachel Bundock, compass Chief Executive Officer
Rachel Bundock, Compass Chief Executive Officer

 It’s been another very busy month, as we put in place and strengthen infrastructure and support for colleagues in our fast evolving organisation.

Our new Peer Practice Development forums are now a place where staff in similar roles but in different services can share knowledge, ideas and ways of working. Something we’ve been wanting to do for a while, so it’s great to see it happening.

We also welcome Michelle, our new Compass Together Volunteer Coordinator. Michelle will work with services and departments to support volunteer recruitment, working with team leaders and managers to develop and promote opportunities for our volunteers.

I’d also like to share with you some exciting news that Compass has been successfully awarded a new contract to deliver six more MHSTs in Birmingham, a huge testament to the existing teams as it’s their hard work and impact on the ground which has demonstrated our ability to implement and deliver well. The new teams will go live on 1st January 2025.

Utterly beautiful work

The essence of what we do is in the Creative Summer initiative at Compass GO. It was utterly beautiful and thought provoking.

Something that is so simple but so powerful that can help explore our emotions consciously and unconsciously. A superb piece of work that really captures how we can take care of our emotional health through everyday practices.

Annual CEO presentation

This year’s Annual Live CEO Presentation will be on Thursday 17th October from 2pm – 3pm.

Rachel will talk about Compass’ strategic priorities for this next financial year, as well as looking at our progress against the plans we made last year.

The date’s been chosen after careful consideration to ensure the most staff possible, both full and part time, can tune into the Teams event.

Rachel says that while the format will be the same as last year with a live presentation and a Q&A session, we have incorporated your feedback to hopefully improve this year’s session.

Compass peer groups connecting services with the people we serve

by Jan Smith, Operations Director

Compass Operational Services and the children, young people and families we serve are benefitted by having informed, innovative and engaged people working together to improve and develop services.

One of the ways we want to encourage practitioners to do this is by connecting with peers from across the organisation to share new initiatives and ideas, learn from one another and develop together. With this in mind, Peer Practice Development Forums are encouraged and supported by the organisation to provide opportunities for colleagues in the same or substantially similar roles to engage with colleagues from across the organisation where local networks are not available as a result of lone roles.

Peer Practice Development Forums are designed to be inclusive of all colleagues in the same role in different teams.

What they are:

  • Venues for collaborative skills sharing.
  • Opportunities for sharing best practice, resources and information.
  • Time for developing ‘like’ models within a professional role.
  • An opportunity to innovate, including proposing new ways of working.
  • Action oriented.

What they are not:

  • Peer Support Groups
  • Mentorship
  • Buddying
  • Coaching
  • Management Led

Discuss your ideas

If you think this is something you would like to get involved in, please talk to your service manager who will discuss your ideas and talk you through the planning approach. Service managers and clinical leads will also be able to use their own service manager and clinical working group networks to help make connections across the organisation. If you want more information please contact me at

iaptus logo

New group set to ensure Iaptus use is standardised

The Iaptus Super User Network (Iaptus-SUN) will meet for the first time this month.

Johanne Parker, Head of Data Insights & Intelligence, said: “The group is coordinated by the DI&I Team and made up of Iaptus Super Users from each service using Iaptus and representatives of SOM.

“The group will help ensure that Iaptus is used in a standardised way across Compass.”

From 8th August, all mental health and emotional wellbeing Services across Compass began using Iaptus to record and hold CYPF information and to access historical CYPF information that was held in EMIS

Johanne said: “We’d encourage colleagues to contact the Help Service from within Iaptus if they have any queries about Iaptus. But the DI&I (Data Insights and Intelligence) Team here at Compass are also able to provide generic support and advice.”

If you need to contact the DI&I Team at Compass about Iaptus, please use the Iaptus inbox –, she said.

Read-only EMIS

EMIS Mental Health is available in read only format until 4 November 2024. It was used by the six services now using Iaptus for all their mental health and emotional wellbeing caseload information.

The migration from EMIS to IAPTUS took four months and involved working with Mayden who provide the Iaptus system to deconstruct EMIS Web Mental Health, remove all data from it and move it safely into a brand new Iaptus system. This meant DI&I working closely with Ops to ensure that all data from EMIS was coded and stored correctly in Iaptus so that CYP safeguarding could be maintained and business continuity achieved. Much of the work was done by DI&I, but Ops took all key decisions about how Iaptus will be used at Compass.

Johanne said: “The DI&I Team, who led the migration work, would like to say a huge thank you to all colleagues across Operations for their help and support with the Iaptus 2024 migration project.”

She thanked all members of the internal Iaptus Project Steering Group + SOM + my Team + BCN who had all helped in different ways (making key decisions, coding data, testing data, developing care pathway) to bring this system in on time and according to plan.

Johanne particularly thanked Olakunle Dare, Jan Smith, Jane Wright, Lauren Nixon, Arjan Bains, Vick Hanley, Zoe Davis, Andrew Dyer, Dan Streets, Simon Heyes, BCN.

Compass GO use art and video in a creative summer project

by Sarah Allen, Engagement & Participation Worker at Compass GO

How can creativity support our mental health and wellbeing? 

That’s the question we’ve been exploring at Compass GO over the summer period, both in our ‘Peer Wellbeing Project’ schools and as a staff team. 

From assemblies and workshops with children and young people to a whole staff training day exploring how to incorporate creative strategies into our work, North East Lincolnshire has been a hive of creativity!

It is well documented that being creative can increase positive emotions, improve our mood and reduce anxiety. It can even improve the function of our immune systems. Creativity can put us in a flow state, sometimes called being ‘in the zone’, and when we are in the zone, we become more mindful, relaxed and positive. 

Add to that, not everybody finds it easy to use words to express emotions, thoughts or feelings and it’s clear that art could be a vital tool for supporting effective communication and emotional regulation.

With all this in mind, children and young people explored a series of ways to ‘show us how you feel’.

Some activities children enjoyed included bilateral drawing, artistic approaches to the zones of regulation, expressive mark making to communicate emotions like fear, excitement, happiness or sadness, and guided visualisations using all the senses to imagine a favourite place.

The resulting artwork has been on display throughout the summer holidays at a local café in Cleethorpes to share with a wider audience of visiting families.  Everyone who participated was entered into a raffle for prizes donated by local businesses – and there were hundreds of entries!

Read more

And it was only right that Compass GO staff got involved too, spending a whole day exploring creative ways to engage with the children and young people we support. 

Our SPs and EMHPs tried their hands at comic strips, mask-making, clay work, lego and drawing activities, all with a focus on experiencing the activity and then reflecting on how that felt for them and how they might use this in their future work with children and young people. 

What wasn’t expected (but really should have been) was the benefit to staff in terms of their own self-care, as an opportunity to be self-reflective and in being able to connect with each other and share their thoughts, feelings and experiences.  The team now have a bank of ideas and resources to inject some further creativity into their work with children and young people and have asked for more creative activities in the future for staff wellbeing.

To see a selection of work by children and young people and hear from some of our Peer Wellbeing Ambassadors about why creativity is important to them, click here  for the YouTube video created as part of the project.

Shining through with Pride

Staff at Compass Shine attended Coventry Pride, held at Fargo village in the city.  

Admin lead Samantha Dunkley said: “It was an unforgettable day filled with vibrant entertainment, exciting stalls and a really welcoming atmosphere for all!

“It was a fabulous day to be a part of and lots of positive connections were made.”

Claire Walker ( CLA team)  Abi Dean (Practice Supervisor) and Amanda Gallagher ( Training and Consultation practitioner) had a fabulous day showcasing Compass Shine and how we can support this wonderful diverse community.

Changing Lives Staff Wellbeing Group finding new ways to support colleagues

Compass Changing Lives’ Staff Wellbeing Group has been continuing their work at finding ways to improve colleague wellbeing at the service. Continue reading

Connecting with the Ilkeston Community through the Parkside High HAF Programme

This summer, Compass Changing Lives have been connecting with the community and young people in Ilkeston by working with Parkside High CIC Youth Organisation to support their Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme. Continue reading

Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…

Compassion and professionalism

I would like to pay a huge thank you for the collective response by staff at Compass Be and Compass Wakefield who provided support to CYPF and staff at Athersley North Primary in Barnsley, following a tragic incident on Sunday 21st July where 6 people were tragically killed in a car/motor bike crash. Alongside the management team our Specialist Services, MHST and Compass Wakefield were able to provide a drop-in clinic running throughout the day on Thursday 29th July for all those impacted by the deaths of family members, school friends and pupils. The network of support proved to be vital for children and adults. Compass Be and Compass Wakefield provided information and insight helping to reduce feelings of isolation and anxiety for both children and adults. Thank you all for your compassion, professionalism, and ability to make others feel heard and thought of at such a sad time.

I, Vick, Louise, Laura, and Evalynne are immensely proud of you all and feel incredibly lucky to work alongside you all every day. This thank you was also echoed from our partners who were part of coordinating this response. Thank you, Helen, Scott, Kim, Courtney, Tracy, Shaun ,Sally, Ashlea, Clare, Monika, Julie,  Ammaarah and Evalynne. – Michelle Eyre, Team Leader, Compass Be

Stepping Up

I just want to say a huge thank you to Sally Wild for stepping up and organising our summer group programme. She saw a need in our service and independently got to work to get it all organised. This was a huge amount of work which she took on quietly so just wanted to say a big thank you! It was noticed and you are very much appreciated – Louise Doughty, Team Lead, Compass Be

Seasoned Professionals

Thank you so much to Jess, Jonny, Hayley and Charlotte who have been seasoned professionals while completing their fantastic group work recordings for young people. It has been a pleasure to support you all and I have learned a lot from the individual styles you have brought to your sessions. I hope to work with you all again soon! 🙂Alice Sotirchos, Training & Consultation Worker Compass Phoenix

Adele’s outstanding

I’d like to send thanks and acknowledgements to Adele Normington for her outstanding contribution to the Supervising Practitioners course. Adele passed the course with flying colours with recognition from Edge Hill University on her ‘Gold Standard’ portfolio. So much so that they have asked Adele for permission to use it as a good practice piece for future generations of graduates. Adele is a role model for all in service, inspiring gold standard practice in the supervision of others and within her own practice. Thank you from all of us at Bloom!” – Hannah Carr, Team Leader, Compass Bloom

Huge thank you

A huge thank you to Carla for supporting the team during the IAPTUS changeover – your work and support is massively appreciated!

From the entire Compass Bloom team 😊 Jude Ashworth, Clinical Operations Manager, Compass Bloom

Very best of luck

I’d like to send a thanks to Jamee-Leigh Benson (Compass Go – JEFF Project team leader). Jamee is leaving to go on maternity in two weeks and I’d like to send a thanks for all her hard work over the past two years. Jamee has been instrumental in getting the JEFF Project up and running and ensuring it’s a success.

We at Compass Go will miss her a lot and we would like to wish her the very best of luck. – Patrick Campbell, JEFF Project Team Leader, Compass GO

Amazing team

I would like to say a huge thank-you to the amazing Ilkeston MHST team who have been incredible throughout my journey with them. – Sam Whittaker, MHP, Compass Changing Lives MHST

So welcoming

I would like to thank everyone in Team Birmingham for being so welcoming and allowing me to pursue my career. Most importantly a big shout out to the specialist team, I have enjoyed working, learning and making memories with you all. You will all be missed, all my love- Latisha – Latisha Sidhu, Healthy Peer Relationship Practitioner, Birmingham MHST

Absolutely amazing

A BIG Thanks for Carla Hickman at Compass Bloom- She is absolutely amazing, she takes on so much work, so organized and always has a positive mindset and brings positivity into the office. The extra work she has put in while moving over from one system to another is amazing, providing videos, informative emails and support and guidance when needed no matter how many times we ask 😊 Thank you so much 😊 Grateful to have you in our team! – Chelsea Edgar, EMHP, Compass Bloom

Hard working

I would like to say a huge thank you and well done to both the Noel Baker & Bemrose Team for working so hard over the Summer Holiday period.  We have significantly reduced our wait list and wait times for CYPF accessing our service and this is credit to you all, so thank you! – Michelle Allen, Team Leader, Compass Changing Lives MHST


Could I say a massive thank you to Renita from Compass Birmingham. Since I started Renita has been a wealth of knowledge and nothing is ever too much trouble for her. She makes all of us feel reassured and confident when we are learning new things. I really appreciate the time and care she has for us. – Nicole Folbigg, TEMHP, Compass Birmingham MHST

Sharing knowledge

Thank you to Chrsitina- Mary Wilford from Compass Changing Lives for sharing your knowledge, skills but more importantly your passion around supporting children and young people experiencing difficulties relating to tics/Tourette’s.

The feedback from the clinical team was nothing but positive and we will be looking forward to working with you again very soon. – Rachel Haynes,
Clinical Operations Manager  Compass Birmingham MHST

Incredible efforts

Compass Be and Compass Wakefield want to celebrate the incredible efforts of Julie Crossland, Amy Chappell, Kirstie Hanson, Sadie Godwin, Emily Hipkiss and Emma Jackson in getting Compass Be Barnsley and the Wakefield Emotional Wellbeing Services up and running on the new IAPTUS system this last few weeks. Your hard work, patience and time have been incredibly valuable to both teams and have helped the transition to be as smooth and solution focused as possible. Thank you all so, so much from all of the management team, the senior leadership team, the admin teams and all of the practitioners! Absolute stars, with a very special thanks to Julie Crossland in particular for providing a warm, friendly and competent stabilising anchor in the choppy ocean of system change. We are very grateful! – Evalynne Charmer, Clinical Operations Manager, Compass Be and Compass Wakefield

Keep smiling

I would like to say a big thankyou to Kirstie Brannigan and the Derbyshire Early Intervention Team – it is so lovely having you all on board since you moved over in June. In some ways it feel as though you have been with us a long time but appreciate for you there are many new things to learn and you keep smiling through. Thankyou – Sue Berry, Assistant Director – Operations

Flipped a switch

As I leave Compass to go on to pastures new I would like to thank everyone I have had the pleasure of working and training with. I have not been here long but I have made lifelong friends I am sure. Feels like an Oscars speech (haha) but too many to name individually but particular thanks to Smita. You won’t remember or know this but you said one thing to me that flipped a switch and gave me confidence I didn’t have before.  You know when you remember one thing someone says to you that really helped and you will take with you? You were that person.  Thank you. Vickie – Vickie Taylor, TEMHP, Glossop Team 


On behalf of the Bereavement team at Compass Be, I would like to thank Julie Crossland for her tireless and unwavering commitment to guiding everyone through our teething problems using the new IAPTUS system. – Jamie Delerict – Specialist Bereavement Counsellor, Compass Be

Supporting me

I would like to say a huge thank you to all my colleagues at Connect for Health for supporting me over the last year whilst undertaking my Specialist Community Public Health Nursing course in School Nursing. I have thoroughly enjoyed the year and appreciate every single person who has given me a pep talk, supported me and believed in me whilst juggling study, work and my busy family life with 3 children under 6! Thank you for the fabulous opportunity and an incredible year. – Hannah Roberts, SCPHN Student, C4H

Good luck

A massive thank you to Richard Thomas for all his hard work supporting me and the Tower Hamlets Team! Good luck in your new Role 😊 Thanks Safe East Team – Victoria Jones, Service Manager, Safe East

Thank you Restorative Supervisors

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all our trained restorative supervisors for taking time out of their busy work schedules to provide regular restorative supervision sessions for clinical staff in services across the organisation and to newly trained restorative supervisors who have arranged and booked sessions with their allocated services which will be starting in September and October. It is a pleasure working with you all, really appreciate your professionalism, dedication, and commitment: Adele Normington, Ailis Carey, Anthony James, Chantelle Ross, Danielle Grant, Helen Butler, Jaydine Breadon, Julia Batchelor-Needham, Laura Angel. Lauren Nixon, Louise Doughty, Marie Rafferty, Marissa Byng, Victoria Jones, Natalie Mason, Rachael Askew, Sarah Turner, Sarah Wilmore, Shareen Akhtar, Tracey Carey-Meyrick, Victoria Jones, Yasmin Portsmouth.

Sue Cody, Quality Assurance Lead

Massive thank you – Resource Task and Finish Group (Anxiety)

A massive thank you to all the staff who represented their services as part of our Resource Task and Finish Group (Anxiety) supporting the review of service resources across the organisation. Your support, knowledge, experience, and dedication has been key, this has enabled us as a group to develop and produce a suite of standard organisational anxiety intervention resources and tools with facilitator guidance for services to support working with children and young people with anxiety. It really has been a pleasure working with you all, really appreciate your time and effort…. onwards to the next Resource Task and Finish Group starting in September which will focus on Low Self-Esteem resources: Evalynne Charmer, Hayley Spies, Cliff Edwards, Clare Daniell, Jake Patony, Lisa Bradley, Maja Roe, Rachel Ramos, Sarah Walton, Sarah Wilmore

Sue Cody, Quality Assurance Lead

Jan Smith, Ops Director and DSO.

Jan Smith, Compass Designated Safeguarding Officer

Safeguarding – Information Sharing

This month’s safeguarding feature is reflecting on information sharing in the context of safeguarding and a look back on the 7 Golden Rules. This featured in our work this week for a young person in substance misuse services when decisions regarding maintaining safety were being considered alongside deciding who to share information with, and when.

The 7 Golden Rules are described in the Department for Education non-statutory guidance ‘Information Sharing Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services for children, young people, parents and carers May 2024’ which outlines the importance of sharing information about children, young people and their families in order to safeguard children.

The full guidance is accessible and focuses on the legal framework and how it supports information sharing for the purposes of safeguarding children from abuse and neglect.

The Seven golden rules for sharing information (including personal information) are:

1. All children have a right to be protected from abuse and neglect. Protecting a child from such harm takes priority over protecting their privacy, or the privacy rights of the person(s) failing to protect them.

2. When you have a safeguarding concern, wherever it is practicable and safe to do so, engage with the child and/or their carer(s), and explain who you intend to share information with, what information you will be sharing and why. You are not required to inform them, if you have reason to believe that doing so may put the child at increased risk of harm.

3. You do not need consent to share personal information about a child and/or members of their family if a child is at risk or there is a perceived risk of harm. You need a lawful basis to share information under data protection law, but when you intend to share information as part of action to safeguard a child at possible risk of harm, consent may not be an appropriate basis for sharing. It is good practice to ensure transparency about your decisions and seek to work cooperatively with a child and their carer(s) wherever possible. This means you should consider any objection the child or their carers may have to proposed information sharing, but you should consider overriding their objections if you believe sharing the information is necessary to protect the child from harm.

4. Seek advice promptly whenever you are uncertain or do not fully understand how the legal framework supports information sharing in a particular case. Do not leave a child at risk of harm because you have concerns you might be criticised for sharing information. Instead, find out who in your organisation/agency can provide advice about what information to share and with whom. In Compass this will be your manager/supervisor, the Designated Safeguarding Officer (Jan Smith), Caldicott Guardian (Sue Cody), or SIRO (Olakunle Dare).

5. When sharing information, ensure you and the person or agency/organisation that receives the information take steps to protect the identities of any individuals who might suffer harm (e.g., the child, a carer, a neighbour, or a colleague) if their details became known to an abuser or one of their associates.

6. Only share relevant and accurate information with individuals or agencies/organisations that have a role in safeguarding the child and/or providing their family with support, and only share the information they need to support the provision of their services. You must only share information that is necessary, proportionate for the intended purpose, relevant, adequate and accurate.

7. Record the reasons for your information sharing decision, irrespective of whether or not you decide to share information. When another practitioner or organisation requests information from you, and you decide not to share it, be prepared to explain why you chose not to do so. Be willing to reconsider your decision if the requestor shares new information that might cause you to regard information you hold in a new light. When recording any decision, clearly set out the rationale and be prepared to explain your reasons if you are asked.

If you have concerns about a child, young person or vulnerable adult please discuss them with your local Designated Safeguarding Lead or contact Compass Designated Safeguarding Officer

Quality assurance
Sue Cody portrait

by Sue Cody, Compass Quality Assurance Lead

New service resources approved by Resource Task & Finish Group (Anxiety)

The Resource Task and Finish Group (Anxiety) are pleased to share our approved organisational intervention resources for anxiety.

These are now available, by following this path on the U drive – U:\01. Approved Service Intervention & Training Resources\Anxiety

Each approved intervention resource has a facilitator guide attached which includes target group, presenting need, time required and additional resources required.

The Resource Task & Finish Group (Low Self-Esteem) will start in September, collating and critiquing the most commonly used resources from across the organisation, aiming to have a set of evidence-based resources for services to provide good quality, appropriate, up to date, consistent interventions’, which have facilitator guides included.  Danielle Grant will also be joining the group as we develop the group to include commonly used training packages which will be collated and reviewed under each resource topics.

Please note that the Self -harm resources are available now within the file –  U:\01. Approved Service Intervention & Training Resources\Self-harm Resources

Thank you to all involved in helping with this work. 

Compass Together hand shake logo Volunteering

Michelle’s here for Compass Together


Michelle Pashley has joined as our new Volunteer Coordinator to help us embed Compass Together and move it forward in the services.

“Senior Operations Manager, Arjan Baines, said “Compass recognises that Volunteers are essential to enhancing the services we provide,” said Senior Operations Manager, Arjan Baines,.

“Michelle’s role ensures we effectively connect passionate individuals with opportunities, creating lasting value for both our volunteers and the communities we serve.”

As Volunteer Coordinator, Michelle’s job role has been outlined as

  • Compass Together Coordination: Maintain a central function to support services with volunteer recruitment, deployment, ensuring alignment with the Compass Together framework for volunteers.
  • Service Development and Promotion: Collaborate with team leaders and managers to continuously develop volunteering opportunities, promoting them through social media, campaigns, and maintaining the volunteer page on the Compass website.
  • Stakeholder Relationships: Build and sustain effective relationships with service managers, team leaders, volunteers, and partner organisations to enhance the impact and reach of Compass’ volunteering efforts.
  • Data Reporting: Monitor and evaluate volunteer experience via surveys, questionnaires, and feedback tools. Using this data to inform reporting on volunteer activity and contribute to continuous improvement, ensuring a positive and meaningful experience for all volunteers.


Weds 18th September – 10am-11.30am – few spaces left

Tues 24th September – 1.30pm-3pm – plenty of availability

Weds 18th Dec – 9.30am-11am, 11.20am-1pm, 1.30pm-3pm – Face to face training with Mark the Medic Rugby (venue tbc) plenty of availability

Safeguarding L3

Thursday 17th October, Tues 12th November – plenty of availability

Safeguarding L4 (managers & team leaders)

Weds 9th October – Plenty of availability

People Management Training

Lancs 2 & 3 Oct & Sheffield 16 & 17 Oct – limited availability (please not this course is for Line Managers only)

Investing and training

In this month’s meeting, SLT explored how investing in ‘Power BI’ will enable us to automatically extract performance data in real-time from each of our various systems (IAPTUS/EMIS, CIPHR, Datix etc.) and feed it into organisational, directorate and service level dashboards. So, we can always work with ‘one version of the truth’ at any one time.

SLT approved the investment for the Data Insights & Intelligence team to be trained in Power BI and purchase the licences. Roll out will be overseen by the Corporate Systems steering group. More information will be shared on Power BI with managers and administrators over the coming months once the DII team has been trained in September.

Carbon Reduction Plan

SLT reviewed a proposed Carbon Reduction Plan for the organisation to adopt. New rules on social value have come into effect which means that when we tender for a contract, providers are required to commit to a plan and publish a baseline position as well as the actions they are going to take over the next five years to achieve a reduction target.

The Compass Plan will be owned by the Board and we have committed to working with a subject expert to determine our baseline position and the actions we think we should take. Some of these actions will feed into our review of staff pay and benefits such as cycle to work and electric vehicle schemes. The Plan will be published on our website and form part of a new Carbon Reduction Policy which will be developed over the coming months.

Know our Senior Leadership

Rachel Bundock, Chief Executive. Click pic for more info.
Sue Cody, Quality Assurance Lead.
Click pic for more info.
Olakunle Dare, Finance & Corporate Services Director
Jane Wright, Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info

Kim Jones
Kim Jones,
People Director.
Click pic for more info.
sue berry
Sue Berry,
Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info.

Jan Smith, Operations Director. Click pic for more info.

Lauren nixon
Lauren Nixon, Assistant Director (Operations). Click pic for more info.

Contacting your People department

General People Team queries:

Recruitment and onboarding queries:

Training queries:

2024 Awareness Calendar.

Compass head office staff have produced a new Awareness Calendar for use in services.

U:\Staff Updates\Awareness Calendar and newsletter

Compass Points email address.

You can get in touch with Compass Points via our email address. It’s

If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say Thanks


Please send all submissions, including thank yous, to