A very warm welcome to February’s edition. This month’s edition has a strong theme of making connections – whether that’s with teachers and pupils through training and assembly workshops in North Yorkshire and Derbyshire, new colleges in Harrow, or multi agency play day events in Lancashire. There is much to showcase and share as service teams’ forge ahead with building on existing and new partnerships.
As we know we are stronger together through our partnerships which ultimately lead to better joined up care and support for more children, young people, and families. I particularly love the new innovation by Warwickshire Connect 4 Health on introducing medical emergency drills in schools. A strong reminder to us all that whilst fire safety is a critical part of health and safety, health safety must also be given parity as it too can save lives through upskilling others to know when and how to act.
Connecting and communicating is also at the heart of HIV awareness workshops ran by Tower Hamlets Safe East team in collaboration with Spotlight Youth Services. As a result of developing trusted relationships, Compass staff break down stigma and help young people to receive important information on the prevalence, risks and treatment of HIV and providing an opportunity to get tested. Every conversation matters in helping young people to feel empowered so they can make informed decisions. This is only achieved because of the power of the team’s everyday interactions making young people feel safe, respected, listened to, and valued.
Volunteering Project
Our volunteering project led by Dom Tooze is nearing the end having made great progress as a result of him connecting with managers and teams both within Compass and other volunteering organisations who have offered us their time and expertise, to which we are very grateful The project has led to the creation of a volunteering framework drawing from best practice which includes refreshing our policy, having our volunteering aims aligned to mission, vision and values, communications, core job roles and agreements. Dom will be moving onto pastures new. However, he leaves us with a great foundation on which to build on. Our volunteering steering group will spend time finalising the various elements of the framework and will look to launch officially it within the next few months. A huge thankyou to all of you involved to date and to Dom for his efforts in getting us to this point.
HIV awareness events in Tower Hamlets aided by local youth workers
Tower Hamlets staff gave out vital information to young people about keeping safe and getting tested as part of a HIV awareness campaign cross two youth centres.
They worked with local youth workers at Spotlight, who promoted the sessions to individual young people.
One Spotlight worker said: “Having Safe East based physically in the youth centre has enabled us to softly introduce young people to staff within Safe East and explain the help that can be provided.”
Read the full story.
Schools should have medical emergency drills just like they have fire drills
Our school nurses in Warwickshire are now speaking with schools about implementing their own medical emergency drills.
The brilliant idea has already had a great response.
Read more below.
Comprehensive suite of workshops for CYP and school staff
Staff at Compass Be have developed original workshops for primary and secondary school children and young people.
Pip and Alice deliver epic day of training to up to 200 school staff
Alice Sotirchos and Pip Nix, Training and Consultation workers at Compass Phoenix, delivered a full day of training to staff in schools across North Yorkshire.
Alice said the training, which aimed at supporting the wellbeing of children and young people was a huge success.
Feedback quotes included…
“Very well paced, good response to comments and generally knowledgeable.”
“Very friendly, explanations were easy to understand and power points set out brilliantly.”
“Great bubbly, experienced people who made the training a joy. Lovely to know that further support is out there.”
North Yorkshire professionals
Read the full story.
Harrow staff proud of hard work to secure college access
Staff in our Harrow substance misuse service have managed to secure a long term presence in an important local college in the Borough.
Rumina Sultana, Team Leader, said of the agreement to provide an initial 72 workshops in Stanmore College: “We feel like it’s a great achievement because we have been working really hard to try and get this provider interested in our service and it’s taken a long time.
“The service is growing. So I couldn’t be more proud, to be honest, and I think this was quite an achievement for us.”
She said Stanmore College is in an area “which is probably a bit more deprived than other parts of the Borough”.
Promoting friendship skills for young people
A successful series of events about friendships and relationships has been delivered by Compass Changing Lives staff in Derbyshire.
Sue Berry, Assistant Director in charge of Compass Changing Lives, said: “The sessions aim to encourage positive wellbeing in young people and educate them on friendship skills in order to reduce the potential negative impacts that friendship difficulties can have on mental wellbeing.
“This, in turn, aims to reduce the need for more intensive support later on for young people.”
Adele and Mel speak to 80 in interactive assembly
Bloom staff part of huge council event
New branding will help us change lives in Derbyshire
Mia is an everyday hero
Congratulations to Mia Leyland from Compass Bloom MHST in Lancs who received an Everyday Hero Award in February. Mia received the award for the incredible resilience she has shown over the past 12 months and for the additional responsibility she has shouldered in lieu of there being a permanent service manager in post. Mia did a superb job of coordinating the service launch event last October and has been a consistent and unwavering source of support for the team throughout their first year. – Lisa Gale | Assistant Director Operations (North)
Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…
Just Say Thanks…
I want to say a huge thank you to all the lovely people at C4H for being so wonderful throughout my apprenticeship. A special thanks goes to Laura, Jake and Helen for all your support, you have been amazing, and I appreciate everything you guys have done for me! I have loved working with you all, and I am going to miss you all so much😊
– Ella Waldock-Stanford, Marketing & Digital Communications Apprentice, C4H
Sending a big thank you to the Belper and Ilkeston Team for being so helpful, friendly and welcoming me as a new trainee EMHP into the team. Thank you for all the support so far. 😊
– Laura Guest, Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner, Compass Changing Lives MHST
Thanks to Sue Berry who has been such a great support during our settling in period to Compass. From Changing Lives Team.
– Davinder Kaur Sahota – Clinical Operations Manager Compass Changing Lives MHST
Please could I say a HUGE thank you to Nat Wilkes for all the support she is continuing to give to the Rugby team. Nat is a fabulous school nurse who was and is always the first person to offer help to anyone who needs it. Not only has she managed the Rugby team referrals, rotas and interventions she has personally supported me as I have moved into the team leader role on a full time basis. Nat You Are A Star – THANK YOU SO MUCH
– Helen Rogers, Team Leader and Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead, C4H
I just want to say a huge thank you to my team for their hard work for the last month or two, we’ve seen some new results. And I think in the recent weeks, all the hard work that’s been completed in the last X amount of months is really starting to show. But I also want to say a special thank you to Yvonne Augustin, who started in our team just before Christmas. She has come in like a whirlwind and she’s taken her role by a storm.
– Rumina Sultana, Team Leader, Compass Harrow
Thank you so much to everyone at Compass Phoenix for welcoming me into the fold. I feel like part of something really special.
– Rachael Cawte, Training & Consultation Worker, Compass Phoenix
I would like to thank all the Kingsmead team, for being so supportive to each other as well as making the new members of the team feel so welcome. You all are a pleasure to work with. A few members of the team will be moving on to new teams in March. They will all be missed but we wish them well. They are all amazing in the work they do, and this is an opportunity to say thank you for all your hard work. A big well done and a thank you on behalf of all children and young people you have supported and continue to support.
– Smita Sandhu, Team Leader, Compass Changing Lives MHST
Thank you to ALL Connect for Health staff who have worked so very hard during the first half of the academic year. The service has been busier than ever before and I am always amazed by how you rise to the challenges you are faced with. Thank you for your dedication to make a difference to many people’s lives and for your motivation to strive to do the best job you possibly can. Please know that you efforts are very much appreciated. Karen
– Karen Cornick, Service Manager, C4H
I would like to say a huge thank you to Smita Sandhu and all the Kingsmead Team. From my very first day at the induction at Breadsall Priory they have welcomed me into their team. They have all been amazing in supporting me as I develop my knowledge of our brilliant service.
Smita has gone above and beyond in her support and is the most kindest, caring person I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Her knowledge and encouragement have been invaluable.
I will be sad to leave them as I move to the Specialist Team, but they will always be the team that started me on this exciting journey and for that I will always be grateful.
– Mel Johnson, Engagement and Equalities Practitioner Compass Changing Lives MHST
Many thanks to all my colleagues who sent me birthday wishes and gifts on Monday 13th for my 70th on the 14th. We had a lovely little party and it made my week. Thank you all.
– Patricia Bowen, Finance Assistant, Central Services
A huge Thank You to our wonderful team in Coventry, particularly Deborah and Lynne who have done a sterling job getting our new CYP Mental Health Service up and running. You have worked tirelessly ensuring the Service is accessible, visible and responsive. Well done, and keep up the hard work all! 😊
– Rich Thomas, Operations Manager
Due to the change over to EMIS a back log of referrals to go onto the system was created. This was further exacerbated by the process taking longer in EMIS and learning to navigate the system, and the service carrying a vacancy in the administration team. Caroline has worked consistently and tirelessly on completing the task and has, working with the admin and operational team leader, Rachael Askew, taken on additional tasks worked through the referrals to be back in a steady state position and has taken IT issues in her stride whilst doing this. So a big Thank You to Caroline for her calm consistent approach in a time of great change!
– Zoe Davis, Service Manager, Compass Phoenix
The management team @ Compass Be Barnsley would like to give a huge shout out & thank you to Kirstie Hanson one of our administrators. Kirstie has worked so hard in Branching Minds over the last couple of weeks to ensure that all RfS have been processed and responded to whilst also carrying out her responsibilities within Compass Be. As described by Julie Crossland “. Thank you for your hard work as I know that you will not have stopped in getting through these, your labours have not gone unnoticed .” A huge thank you Kirstie
– The Management Team, Compass Be Barnsley
I would like to say thank you to all that were present for the calibration meeting @ Sheffield- This was the first time I had been part of this process as I know it was for others and not knowing what to expect I was a tad anxious about how this would look- Despite the nerves I thoroughly enjoyed the process and learnt so much from you all- Thank you to Lisa Gail and Anne Haines for chairing the meeting and to all the team leads and service managers from NEL, North Yorkshire and Lancashire it was amazing to see you all in person. Thank you x
– Michelle Eyre, Team Lead, Compass Be Barnsley
Compass Points email address.
You can get in touch with staff looking after Compass Points via our email address. It’s compasspoints@compass-uk.org.
If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say thanks
Take Good Care – Your Health and Wellbeing with Danielle Grant
Children’s Mental Health Week was about making meaningful connections. So, this month I will be looking at the ‘Connect’ element from the 5 Ways to Wellbeing.
With Valentine’s Day just passed, it might have seemed like ‘Give’ would have been the one to look at. But I believe that love, whether familial, platonic or romantic shouldn’t be based upon ‘giving’, but about connecting and communicating your feelings and adoration.
So, reach out to your friends and family. Maybe you could speak to someone you haven’t seen in a while but is always great to talk to about childhood memories. Or is there a family member that lives alone? Could you connect with them and visit them – I am sure they would love to hear all about all the great things you have been doing at work and how you have been working hard to make the lives of the ‘Children and Young People’ a safer, healthier place.
Social media gets a lot of bad press, but in its intended form it is a really valuable tool to help maintain relationships. A really great thing I have recently discovered is online scrabble! I have a group of friends that are spread across the country and we will put in a group call and play scrabble online. It is fun and quite mindful all the while providing a great way of connecting.
Another way to connect this month is with new people. Are there still people that work for Compass that you haven’t connected with? I know there are for me! When everyone is in one office in one business, it is easier to connect. However, in a time of hybrid working and regional offices, these natural connections are far fewer than ever before.
So why not pick up the ‘MS Teams’ phone and speak with someone you have only ever previously emailed. Get to know them and make a connection. I am going to work at this as I am writing Wellbeing Columns for people that I don’t see, as I work from home; it would be really great to get to know more of you. So be brave, connect. And if you get a call from me – don’t be confused. I am just looking to practice what I preach and get to know you all a little better.
SMT Update
New budget considered against backdrop of growth in 2022/23
At February’s meeting, SMT looked at a number of items including the draft budget and pending pay award for 23/24, identification of new long term projects and progress against current high priorities.
SMT reviewed the organisation’s draft budget for 23/24 based on current contracts in place or to be implemented during the year and the required overheads across both central and local services. As part of routine budgetary preparation SMT compared Compass’ income and expenditure between this last financial year (22/23) and the upcoming new year (23/24) to understand any reasons for difference. What was evident is that the reasons for difference were overall favourable in that our income and planned expenditure has gone up significantly as a result of contract growth through new contract gains as well as organic growth in services.
SMT also spent some time reviewing one-off projects needed in line with how they would best help SMT achieve Compass’ longer term strategic objectives (agreed at our away day with the Board back in November) and centre on: becoming employer of choice; affordable delivery; evidence of effectiveness; quality and governance;, and efficient future growth. SMT whittled down a shortlist of priority projects and agreed the next steps required to each of the project aims and likely timelines. These will form part of SMT’s business plan objectives for 23/24 and 24/25.
A review of progress against SMT’s current high priorities took place. This included an update on progress made within the newly formed data working group and increased need to expedite work on Theseus with particular focus on prioritising the development of the most critical reports that will aid managers to have the level of detail needed in order to support their teams and manage reporting requirements. SMT appreciate the ongoing support of all managers and teams whilst efforts continue at all levels to develop, test, and embed standard and enhanced reports across Theseus, EMIS and whilst getting to grips with IAPTUS; it continues to be SMT’s greatest priority. SMT also reviewed the progress made both within Coventry and Derby new service implementations, with both services broadly on track with their implementation plans. SMT recognised it is a testament to staff commitment and openness to adapt to new ways of working. Finally, we reviewed Compass’ Phoenix progress on reducing their long waiting list. SMT recognised the huge efforts and progress made by the team in planning, preparing, and delivering on their planned timelines.
Update on pay award 23/24
Compass is determined to maintain the competitiveness of our salaries together with supporting staff in the cost of living crisis. We have already recognised the significant pressures people have been put under by the high levels of inflations by increasing our lowest salaries to match the real living wage and paying out one off targeted support to those on the lowest salaries.
At its meeting, SMT considered the April pay award which will again be made up of the performance related pay element, which will be calculated in the same way as previous years, and a market adjustment.
The market adjustment is calculated taking into account increases being offered in similar roles and the contract income we receive to fund any increases. Currently there is much doubt in both areas; pay awards have been offered in many similar areas but have not been accepted and there have been a series of strikes to try and increase the amount offered; funding for any increases is dependent on increases to contract values offered by our commissioners. Currently commissioners have not been able to confirm the level of funding they will make available to us.
We hope to get more clarity around both these areas in the coming months, but SMT are determined that we will make, as normal, changes to annual salaries in April.
HR update with Donna Wilson, HR Business Partner
Employee Assistance Programme
We’re really pleased to say that we’ve just renewed our contract with our EAP provider, Health Assured. There’s lots available on the App, especially for those people who are still trying to achieve their New Years resolutions. There are 4 week programmes for lots of great things including Sleeping Better, Losing Weight, Pacing Life Better and lots more, so if you haven’t already, download the App, or get on the web and have a look to see if there’s anything for you.
Contact HR for log in details.
Policy updates
The updated Social Media policy and Code of Conduct are now available on the P Drive.
Appraisal Calibration
December and January have been busy months for lots of reasons including that we all will have had our End of Year Review Meetings. During February our managers have been meeting with colleagues in HR to have calibration sessions to finalise ratings. Managers will then be able to confirm your rating with you and complete your PAR form so it can be uploaded onto MyCompass.
Joe Wicks offer
Joe Wicks, The Body Coach is offering FREE access to the Body Coach App 💪 Apply here bit.ly/3SzVkkn (you will need a valid NHS email to register)
Charity worker shopping discounts
As prices rise in the shops, this may help…
Discounts are available to charity workers and volunteers. All you need is your name, postcode and the charity you work for.
Click the image to learn more.
Compass Awareness Days Calendar for 2023
The Compass Awareness Calendar for 2023 is our most comprehensive yet and has new sources including the NHS. Please take a look to see what’s coming up in the next month or two and through the year.
March is…
Bisexual Health Awareness month
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Tell us your news…