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Welcome to your January 2023 Compass Points

Back with a bang for a new year

CEO Rachel Bundock

A very heartfelt and warm welcome to what has been a cold, frosty and somewhat snowy January 2023. The holiday season (and those Christmas team meals) already seem a long distant memory…however as always, we have started the new year back with a bang and this month’s Points edition is as packed as ever.

Champions celebrated

I had the huge privilege of having a wonderful celebratory lunch with three of the four CEO values champions winners at an Italian restaurant in Sheffield. It was the first of two events planned where myself, Claire Wesley (Compass Chair) and Kim Jones (HR Director) were able to present the awards to the winners and spend some time together to reflect on their nominations and have some much deserved downtime. Please click into the story below for photos and videos of a great afternoon with fabulous company. I am very much looking forward to the second event to have an equally celebratory afternoon with our fourth winner and their team.

Compass Points Reader Survey

I would like to extend a huge thank you to all of you who took the time to complete our Compass Points reader survey in December. The results are detailed further on in this month’s newsletter. Your feedback really does help us to shape and continuously improve how we communicate and connect together as ONE Compass.

Enfield Sort it!

I would also like to share with you the news that our Enfield service and team will be transferring over to a new provider on 31st March. Enfield Sort It! has been part of the Compass family since 2009 and having personally been involved in the service over the last 10 years, I will be very sad to say goodbye to the wonderful staff team at Sort It! who are so incredibly talented and committed in what they do. They are amazing ambassadors for their young people, particularly those who are more vulnerable and marginalised. Myself and SMT take great comfort that the young people of Enfield are in their safe hands moving forward. It is not the outcome we would have wished for, but we are very grateful for the team’s ongoing support and professionalism during this difficult period.

Values champions honoured at special event

Winners of the Values Champions awards travelled to a city centre restaurant in Sheffield to receive their trophies from Rachel Bundock.

The Compass Points title picture shows, left to right, award winner Charlotte Box, Rachel Bundock, Compass Chair Claire Wesley, HR Director, Kim Jones and winners, Hannah Bell and Vicky Jones.

We welcome Compass Changing Lives and Compass Coventry

Compass held its biggest ever induction event at the start of the year. Over 70 staff members in our new Derby and Coventry teams went to the three day meeting at a spa hotel.

Saffron says…

“We’ve got people that have transferred over from the existing service, we’ve got people that have applied for new jobs and joined Compass and progressed in their careers, we’ve also got new starters as well.

“Bringing all those people together into one room has been really really powerful and people sharing their knowledge and experience has been fantastic.”

New staff give their reaction to joining Compass

New recruits in Lancashire too, as MHST service blooms

Our MHSTs in Lancashire are getting bigger so we can help more children and young people in more schools.

Lisa Gale, Compass’s Assistant Director Operations (North), said: “Our new colleagues will allow us to expand and support more children and young people across more schools in Chorley, West Lancs, South Ribble and the Preston areas.”

New Bloom staff raring to go

New staff at Compass Bloom’s induction event said they were excited to begin their new roles.

Anne Haines, the new manager of the service, said: “All the new starters have been so passionate and motivated that I think 2023 is going to be a really exciting year for everybody.”

Yvonne is being supported to connect with young people

Yvonne Augustin, at our Harrow Young People’s substance Misuse Service, says she was quickly made to feel comfortable when she joined the team recently.

She said: “I can’t wait to see what’s to come. I want to make a difference to young people – I want to be that person that helps you as much as I can.”

Stu’s been there and got the t-shirt

Staff at CYPDAS have given their manager Stu Haste a personalised t-shirt he is very “humbled” to have received.

C4H Zelah spearheading project to improve health of Gypsy, Roma, Traveller young people

A new project by Connect for Health aims to improve the health of children in the Gypsy, Roma and Travelling communities in Warwickshire.

Team Leader and Practice Educator, Anne Tomkinson, said: “Even though we don’t see children and young people in the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities once they get to secondary schools, they have the right to access our service just like any other child or young person.”

Compass Be’s Kirsty speaking in school assemblies

Kirsty Taylor, the Healthy Relationship Practitioner for Compass Be, has been delivering assemblies to secondary schools across Barnsley to increase awareness about how we can help.

Kirsty said: “Visiting year seven students in their secondary school, following workshops from the previous academic year is providing a consistent and reliable approach.”

And she added: “It’s all about building trust and showing we are here to consistently support the students.”

Danielle travels to train school staff

Compass Positive Effect’s Health and Wellbeing trainer, Danielle Grant has delivered a workshop for staff at an independent school in North Yorkshire.

She said: “It was a wonderful opportunity to deliver some face to face training and the workshop felt really well placed and was received well.”

C4H staff deliver a trolley load to foodbank

Our Warwickshire school nursing service donated eight bags of food to families in need.

Compass Points enjoyed by many staff

A survey of Compass Points readers has revealed that 88% believe their team is sufficiently represented in our newsletter.

Out of 199 staff, 122 competed the survey – 56%. Eighty nine per cent of respondents read Compass Points. Using Google Analytics, individual readership is being counted as over 190 over the last three months, so that is a fantastic response.

We asked what you thought of Compass Points and our newsletter is rated as very good or excellent by 64% of respondents and as good by a further 29% – equating to a 93% positive ratings figure. Only four percent ranked it as fair and none as poor.

Eighty four per cent know how to submit an article. And 77% felt the length of Compass Points was just right while 21% felt it too long and 1% too short.

CEO of Compass, Rachel Bundock said: “We are very grateful to all those who contribute their time and effort to make Points work each month. The idea is to celebrate and share what’s going on inside and outside of Compass, share resources and showcase expertise and let people know we appreciate and recognise the efforts of individuals and staff teams.

“We want everyone to feel part of a bigger ONE Compass, with shared values and principled ways of working.”

Cliff Edwards, Marketing and Communications Manager, said: “Compass Points really is a joint effort with service managers, team leaders and all staff feeding in ideas which are then discussed at our ONE Compass Communications Group.”

He said after initial publication in Points, much of the content is then used on the website and on social media to show those outside Compass the true, caring character of the staff. Some commissioned content is withheld for a month or two to ensure a good balance of stories across each publication so the newsletter does not become too long and so that each service is fairly represented.

And Cliff added: “We will now discuss the findings and individual feedback within the survey at our next, monthly ONE Compass Communications Group meeting and use this to continue to improve.”

More Christmas party pics!

Compass Phoenix
Compass Bloom
Tower Hamlets and Harrow

Tower Hamlets and Harrow teams enjoyed a grand afternoon out

The Safe East and Harrow teams made their way down to the Owl and the Pussycat in Shoreditch for their long awaited Christmas lunch, writes Mariam Sherriff.

The teams enjoyed a traditional three course meal, organised by one of the team’s Health & Wellbeing practitioners, Bobbie Sinclair.

It was an afternoon full of constant chatter, laughter and great vibes. It was not only a mini reunion of the two teams but with new additions to Safe East over the past six months, it was the first time some members of each team had met in person.


Having only joined at the beginning of December, the newest addition to the team, Senior Administrator, Harvi Singh also joined the team for lunch and was able to meet the majority of the Safe East and Harrow team outside of the work environment.

 Mariam Sheriff, Engagement & Participation Support Worker said, “It was a lovely and refreshing afternoon for me personally because I had been on compassionate leave prior to that, so it was a nice distraction. I truly appreciated being around the team and it served as a reminder that I work with a team of great individuals, not only in a work context but just as people. I appreciate working in a small team because this is one of the benefits”.

Grateful for the help and support you’ve received from a colleague? Tell us about it…

Just Say Thanks…

A big thank you to Clare Daniell for all her hard work whilst recovering from her fractured foot and having to work from home, she has just got on with it and offered help to her colleagues when she has had extra capacity to do so. The South Hub have appreciated her support and just want to give her a shout out to show her how much we value her! 😊

– Jess Beaumont, School Staff Nurse, C4H

A massive thank you to the entire HR team plus Sue and Clare in central services admin team for all their hard work, perseverance and flexibility in supporting Derby mobilisation over the past few months. It’s been a great team effort whether that’s supporting the project itself or working hard in the background to keep ‘business as usual’ activities on track. Well done to you all and a heartfelt thank you for all your continued support – you have been amazing!

– Kim Jones, HR Director

Anisah Akhtar has gone beyond expectations of welcoming me into a new environment. I met Anisah for the first time on the second day of the Compass induction and felt completely overwhelmed by her kindness and thoughtfulness. Anisah has continued to check in with me through Teams to see how I am finding the training and how well I am settling. Anisah is a trainee herself but has some familiarity with the current processes, environments and colleagues due to her previous working role.

I am so grateful to meet people such as Anisah, especially during what can be quite daunting moments such as a new job induction! Anisah is a breath of fresh air and is most definitely training for a role that suits her kind, thoughtful nature. Thank you Anisah.

– Kay Arundel, Trainee Education Mental Health Practitioner, Compass Changing Lives

To all my friends and colleagues at Compass: I will be heading off for maternity leave in Feb 2023 and will miss you all so much! Thank you for being wonderful and looking forward to seeing you when I’m back. For now I am passing the baton to my maternity cover, Rachael, and I know you will all join me in wishing her the warmest welcome and all the very best in the role! XX 😊

– Alice Sotirchos, Training & Consultation Worker, Compass Phoenix

I would like to say a massive thank you to Sue King and Clare Hitchin ( the DBS ladies) for their hard work and support with Derby set up and at the Derby Induction/inset days. Their support has and continues to be invaluable and very much appreciated. Thank you!

– Alison Walmsley, Interim HR Specialist

I’d like to say thanks to one of our trainee EMHP’s Ruth Mills for the activities she voluntarily planned in 2022. From setting up random acts of kindness through to secret Santa! Little things like this can make such a difference to the team, and it’s very much appreciated!

– Chloe Murphy, Supervising Practitioner, Compass Bloom

A massive thank you to Danielle Grant, who travelled a huge distance on her first day back to work after the festive break, to deliver training for Read School’s inset day. The school were delighted with the training. Thank you for your dedication!

– Rose Kearns, Assistant Director – Business Development

Lucie Mountain has begun a new role as marketing and comms officer at Compass Changing Lives. The Compass Be team would like to say a massive thank you to Lucie Mountain for all the incredible work she has done with the team. Lucie, your creativity, support and the things you have produced for us have been fantastic! We will miss you lots thank you for all your training with the team too. Good luck in your new role we are so pleased you aren’t going far and are remaining within the Compass team. 😊
– The Compass Be Team

Thank you so much for all your support this year Lucie, I have loved working with you on the different projects and will miss you lots! 😊

– Emma Turton, Assistant Education Mental Health Practitioner, Compass Be

I would like to say thank you to Lucie for all her hard work and positive influence within the NEL team before she left to join the Derby team. Without Lucie we would not have achieved the community networks that have been created and which has meant CYPs and families can know about and access our service.

Laura Lockett, Service Manager, Compass GO…

A shout out to all those who were a part of our positive behaviour support (PBS) paperwork working group consisting of myself, Lauren Taylor, Lucy Dormer, Rebecca Haynes, Molly Lewin Runcacres, Samantha Bowman, Natalie Carline, Richard Cooke, Myra Yassir, Christina May Wilford and Yasmin Sharpe. We set up this working group to get staff from various levels to take part in developing paperwork for PBS informed delivery. Everyone in the group participated in one way or another and we will be able to finalise the paperwork within weeks. I was grateful for all the insight and input from all involved which made the process a really useful experience.

– Davinder Kaur Sahota – Clinical Operations Manager at Compass Changing Lives

New Compass Points email address.

You can now get in touch with staff looking after Compass Points via our new email address. It’s

If you want to say thank you please remember to start the subject line with Just Say thanks

Take Good Care – Your Health and Wellbeing with Danielle Grant

Danielle – Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Training Officer

Here we are in 2023. January and February are usually filled with good intentions, resolutions and the setting of personal goals for the year. It is also the month in which we may feel the January Blues. Blue Monday, so-called the most depressing day of the year, fell on January 18th this year. It is typically the third Monday of the month and it is supposedly the saddest day of the year, due to a combination of bad weather, long nights and lingering aftermath of the festive period.
To kick-start the wellbeing column this month, I am going to put a helpful reminder up about the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’.
Social media, social circles and historic tradition will have us all planning physical challenges, emotional fulfilment and dietary perfection in the next month, when quite honestly for a lot of people the January Blues and / or Seasonal Affective Disorder (discussed last month) are still hanging around. Only this month we typically have far less money, for more mince pies or chocolate under our belt and a depressingly empty social calendar.
It is great to have a goal, but try not to make these targets unrealistic and restrictive. So instead of focussing on a specific and ambitious goal that is going to cause feelings of pressure, anxiety and potential failure, allow yourself just the time and space to reconnect with your own wellbeing.
For example, if you haven’t run in years, don’t sweat it and sign up for a 5km; just look to get out a bit more and enjoy a walk, mixed with some gentle jogging to remind your legs what it feels like.

If you have enjoyed your body weight of ‘pigs in blanket’ in the last month, it might be more realistic to look at cutting down on meat, or the amount of days you eat meat – rather than doing ‘Veganuary’.
Everyone will have their own personal ‘work-ons’. Whilst self development is really important, it is more important to get through January with a smile and positive outlook for the year ahead.
So here is a reminder of how you can protect your wellbeing and make small but deliberate steps in the New Year:

Give to others

Did you get something new, or a replacement item for Christmas? Perhaps you could donate or sell the old one? Can you offer your time helping neighbours take down all their lights outside their house? or getting rid of their tree at the same time you take yours to the tip?
It can be a simple as donating your leftover / unopened Christmas snacks to the local food bank, which you can usually find a box for in your local supermarket. See the article above from the C4H team!

Connect with people

You have probably seen a lot of your friends and family over the last few weeks, but how much of it was relaxed conversation and how much was it partying and playing games? Not taking anything away from the fun that festive socialising bring; there is a lot to be said for a more sincere catch up with close friends about their plans for the New Year.

Be Active

Ease your body back into the idea of exercise, but do something. A blustery walk along the beach or stroll in nature can help invigorate and blow away those cobwebs. Fitness takes time and is quick to lose so be mindful of your limitations, time, fitness level and possible financial commitment that signing up and joining clubs or gyms can bring. Being active is easier and more enjoyable if you have someone to do it with, so spend time finding a buddy that will help motivate or hold you accountable to your endeavours whilst ensuring it is a shared and enjoyable experience.

Keep Learning

Learn your language of love and seek to communicate this. Learn what dreams and ambitions you once had that seem to have fallen by the wayside; can you get these back on track? If so how?
How do you like to be treated and how do you feel you can contribute to your friends and family? ‘People pleasing’, is the need to ensure those around you have what they need, and that your actions or behaviours are altered to the detriment of your core values in order to keep someone / everyone happy. Learn how to say “No” and be confident that you deserve to be valued too.

Take Notice

Notice how you feel or how your body reacted during certain situations in the festive period. Did you find the constant going out to parties energising or exhausting? Take this information and build it into your portfoilio of self-discovery. Notice the people that messaged you and enquired about your life and activities and those that didn’t, those that you always make the connection with first; consider prioritising those that prioritise you.
Notice your own body, how do you feel after a month or so of ‘enjoying Christmas’ notice how you feel with more sleep and more vegetables on your plate. It is a remarkable thing the difference a good plate of greens and a decent night sleep can make on how your body feels. Drink more water and notice your energy levels rise.

Empower yourself to fight it and overcome the temptation to fall into the ‘low mood’ frame of mind. Use the tools you have, pool your resources, and come out into 2023 fighting. Your wellbeing is your goal this month.

SMT Update

Progress reviewed on key priorities

At the January meeting, the Senior Management Team (SMT) SMT took the opportunity to review progress and action against the business’ current high priorities and programmes of work.

A significant amount of time, energy and resources have centred on service mobilisations in recent months including the onboarding of new and transferring staff for both Coventry and Derbyshire services as well as recruiting to additional teams in Lancashire and Barnsley. Mobilisation plans were considered broadly on track and the mobilisation plan for Wakefield also finalised. SMT acknowledged the huge contribution made by so many people across the organisation, upfront and behind the scenes in supporting all mobilisations particularly making new Compass colleagues feel welcomed.

SMT reviewed its current high priorities and identified the next wave which will be its primary focus over the next few months. Significant time will continue to be directed towards supporting new service and team implementations including Wakefield which goes live in April. In addition, de-mobilising the Enfield contract and supporting our staff and service users during this time of uncertainty and change.

SMT reviewed progress on the data and systems projects; EMIS (for our Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing services), Theseus (for our Substance Misuse and Risky Behaviour services), and CIPHR and EPLOY (our HR and candidate recruitment systems). Whilst some big milestones have been achieved with all these systems now live and operational, SMT recognised there is still a long way to go to get the right levels of recording and performance reporting in place from individual and service reports up to SMT and organisational wide reports and dashboards. As a result, two data working groups will be set up for clinical management and HR systems. These groups will work to agreed specifications and schedules which will prioritise from bottom up the delivery and management of agreed requirements with built in acceptance testing at each stage. SMT is hugely grateful for people’s continued efforts and patience whilst we collectively grapple with embedding these new systems and recognise the critical importance and urgency to get these working to best effect.

SMT also spent some time considering the results from the Compass Points reader survey particularly the feedback on areas for improvement and how they fed into our long term plans for co-designing a staff intranet. SMT were grateful for the high level of returns received and the thoughtful feedback provided which has been helpful in planning the next wave of improvements to Compass Points.

Final sign off was given to facilitate student counsellor placements in partnership with Barnsley College. Developed in response to meet growing demand for counselling to support children, young people and families with low level, non complicated grief, where there is a need for person centred counselling. The six month pilot at Compass Be will be evaluated with findings shared with wider services.

HR update with Donna Wilson, HR Business Partner

Appraisal Reminder

Preparations should be well under way by now. For any new staff who are new to our appraisal process, if you joined Compass before 30th June 2022, you will be due a formal appraisal (those who joined after this date may also have an appraisal as part of their probationary review process – your line manager will advise you of this).

End of Year Process

Your line manager will have scheduled an initial EOY review meeting (this may take place in November/December 2022 or January 2023). In advance of the meeting, your manager will ask you to prepare your EOY PAR. You will need to use the Word based Performance Review Form and upload this onto ‘My Compass’ (please refer to the ‘My Compass’ user guide for instructions on the system use – included is a section on how to upload your PAR form).
During the initial EOY review meeting, you will discuss your self-ratings, rationale and evidence; your line manager will also share with you feedback, including their own, of your performance. At this session any differing views between yourself and your line manager regarding your performance would be discussed. You should note that your line manager will not share their rating with you at this stage as they are required to attend a calibration session (in early February 23) with their peers to discuss proposed ratings to ensure consistency across services.
Following the relevant calibration session, your manager will share with you the final PAR in February/March 23.

Forms and Guidance

For detail on the entire performance review process, please refer to the colleague guidelines on the link below – it also includes some frequently asked questions (FAQs) at the back of the document:
U:\HR\Performance Review Process\Documents & Forms\Performance Management Guidelines for Colleagues v10.0 Oct 2022.pdf
The user guidance for ‘My Compass’ can be found here:
U:\HR\My Compass\My Compass Self-Service User Guide V6.0.pdf
The PAR Word document can be found here:
U:\HR\Performance Review Process\Documents & Forms\Forms\Performance Review Form – Compass v4.0.doc
If you have any questions on the PAR process, please ensure you read the guidelines first and if still unclear direct any queries to your line manager.


We continue to further utilise our Application Tracking System Eploy. The latest update is we are now using the Reference Collection facility which will improve and speed up the recruitment process. Hiring Managers have been sent guidance on how to view and check references directly on Eploy.

New Starter Documents

Forms that need to be completed by new employees are now available in a folder entitled New Starter Documents on the U Drive. Please complete the Covid Risk Assessment form and upload onto MyCompass by following the instructions in the folder.


Please follow this link to view our current vacancies:

Charity worker shopping discounts

As prices rise in the shops, this may help…

Discounts are available to charity workers and volunteers. All you need is your name, postcode and the charity you work for.

Click the image to learn more.

Compass Awareness Days Calendar for 2023

We launched the Compass Awareness Calendar for 2023. It’s our most comprehensive yet and has new sources including the NHS. Please take a look to see what’s coming up in the next month or two and through the year.

Upcoming in February

Compass supports Safer Internet Day, 7th February

View resources we have created to support this campaign. You can access

  • An interactive top tips colouring in poster
  • An Internet Safety quiz
  • A printable top tips poster
  • A social media post – stakeholders can share to their own social media accounts

Print, download and share!

The One Compass Comms team have created a Safer Internet Day Campaign to support school staff, students, and parents and carers in understanding the importance of internet safety. We have signposted the very best guides and resources available from UK Safer Internet Centre. You will find the assets via links in the campaign guide.

Just click the image.

Print, download and share!

You can also access them at any time here: U:\One Compass Comms Group Resources\Compass Campaigns\1. Internet Safety Day”

February diary dates…

All month – LGBT History Month

2nd Feb4th Feb6-12 Feb7th Feb6-12th Feb17th Feb27th Feb- 5th Mar
Time to
talk day
World Cancer DayChildren’s mental health weekSafer internet dayNational Apprenticeship WeekRandom acts of kindness dayEating disorder Awareness Week
A day for friends, families, communities, and workplaces to come together to talk about mental health, listen and help change lives.Aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by encouraging individuals to actThis year’s theme is Let’s Connect. A day to encourage children (and adults) to consider how we can make meaningful connections that support our mental health.A day to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.Annual week-long celebration of apprenticeships to shine a light on the amazing work being done by employers and apprentices across the countryA day to celebrate and encourage random acts of kindness.An international awareness event, fighting the myths and misunderstandings that surround eating disorders

Tell us your news…

The deadline for stories and pictures for the next issue is
Midday, Wednesday, 15th February. Please send all submissions, including thank yous, to