How much does it cost?
The project is free and has been commissioned by five Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) within North Yorkshire and the North Yorkshire County Council; we are fully funded until 31/08/2020. The only cost to your school is the time in which staff need to complete the training.
Can we keep any resources/materials you use in interventions?
Yes. If we bring any resources or materials to use in interventions or group work these will be passed on to you. We are here to upskill your staff and build their confidence in delivering interventions. Therefore, anything we use will be left behind in order for them to continue the work confidently in our absence.
Will you work with a child that is already seeing CAMHS?
No, we won’t work with a child that is already receiving an intervention at a higher level than what we offer. We deal with mild to moderate mental health issues.
What do you mean by whole school?
Everyone who comes into contact with children and young people for example; TA’s/MSA’s/caretaker/teachers etc. This will make sure that everyone within the school has the same knowledge and understands the priorities for promoting positive mental health and wellbeing within the school.
Are the interventions you give in relation to a request for support classed as level 2 training?
No, level 2 training will be delivered to staff after September 2018. Request for support interventions/group work are separate and can be co delivered with a member of staff from your school for up to 3 co-delivered sessions.
Can we only access Request for Support after training?
No, as soon as a date is confirmed for the level 1 training to show the school is committed to a whole school approach the Request for Support can be accessed.
Can we join training with another school in our federation or area?
Is it ok if a trainee teacher comes to the training?
Yes, of course. The training is for all school staff that come into contact with children and young people.
When does it start to cost?
It will always be free training and free Requests for Support. The only cost to you is the time of your staff.
Can parents make requests for support?
We only work with schools however parents could always contact the school to see if they are aware of the project and what we have to offer.
How is this project different to the mental health first aid?
The main difference is that we aim to train all staff, we are changing the school ethos and reinforcing the whole school approach.
Can you give me some examples of what constitutes as low level emotional/mental health issues?
This is a really broad area and if you’re in doubt you can always ring up and ask (call 01609 777662). We tend to work with presenting needs such as stress, anger, bullying, emotional regulation, anxiety, low mood, body image, self esteem and social isolation. This is by no means an exhaustive list but hopefully it gives you an idea of the work we do. The best thing is to follow our Request for Support pathway and if we aren’t the most suitable organisation, we can help you find out where would be appropriate.
We would like to book training! What is the next step?
This is brilliant news. You now need to contact your local Wellbeing Worker by phone or email to arrange a date for delivery. If you do not have the contact details for your Wellbeing Worker, please call our Specialist Administrator on 01609 777662 who will be able to help you.
When will you deliver the training?
We can be really flexible about this to meet your needs. Contact your local Wellbeing Worker to check their availability and let them know if you have any specific dates in mind.
What are your requirements for delivering the training?
We ask that as many staff as possible attend the level 1 training, to ensure a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. There is also the checklist that needs completing which your lead contact in school should have already received. When delivering training, your Wellbeing Worker will usually require a room with some tables set up for small group work, a computer, smartboard or a projector, plus a flip chart and flip chart paper. You will also be required to print any resources for the training.
We really like the sound of this but our whole school sessions are already booked up. Can we just send a couple of members of staff to another school’s session?
We are really trying to encourage a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing and therefore we need all staff to take part in the training. Booking whole school training on mental health sends a message to your staff: that you see mental health and wellbeing as a priority and that it is of value to your school. With everyone in attendance, it enables all professionals to be singing from the same hymn sheet and ensures the use of common language around mental health; with all staff on board it then becomes possible to change culture. Mental health issues are very common and we therefore don’t think it is good enough for just 1 or 2 people to be trained. We believe that, like safeguarding, mental health is everyone’s business.
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