Our ambition is for our people to be representative of the children, young people and families we support as well as the communities we serve. This is the first gender pay gap report that we have completed following our significant growth during 2023.
Our overarching challenge relating to gender is the small numbers of men that work for us. For the reporting period, we have just 25 men representing 10% of the total workforce. The resulting small data set means it is difficult to draw meaningful conclusions. What is clear, is the need to attract more men into our workforce.
It is important to reiterate that we don’t pay people differently based on their gender. The median shows a 2% difference in hourly rate between men and women (men being higher paid) – this is due to two outliers of the data set skewing the figures. Our bonus payments data shows just two males versus 42 females, so is not statistically significant and thus we are cautious about drawing any conclusions from this.
The quartiles show that our small number of employed men are distributed evenly across our pay bands from junior to senior. Similarly the same is true for our female workforce albeit the proportion of females in our more senior roles is slightly higher with 31% of all females in the top quartile compared to 28% of all males in this quartile (for the reporting period, this can be seen in our Senior Leadership team with seven females and two males).
Our challenge to increase our male workforce will take some time but I’m confident we have the right plans to build a talented, diverse workforce at every level in Compass.
Rachel Bundock
Chief Executive