Everybody needs friends. You can feel very sad and lonely if you don’t have someone to play and be with. It happens to everybody sometimes. Having friends is also about how to be a friend and how to be a friend to yourself.
You will have times when you mess up or feel ashamed about things that you may have said or done but this does not make you a bad friend.
If someone doesn’t want to be your friend don’t worry, you can’t expect to be friends with everyone.
Here’s a video on what makes a good friend:
Top tips on how to make friends
- Choose friends who respect you
- Respect your friend’s differences
- Be kind, share and listen to your friends
- If your friends are sad, look after them and try to help them
- Have fun and spend time together
- If you know a friend is being bullied, tell an adult
- Even best friends need some time to be alone or play with other friends so don’t get upset if this happens.
Remember we are all different. It would be boring if we were all the same. It’s good to be different.