The National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) measures the height and weight of children in Reception class (aged 4 to 5) and year 6 (aged 10 to 11), to assess overweight and obesity levels in children within primary schools.
The NCMP has been running since 2006/7. The information gathered is used to help plan and provide better health services for children and to support public health initiatives.
What should I expect?
- You will receive a letter advising you that the growth check is going to take place in school. Parents will have the option of opting their child out of the programme if they wish to do so.
- Your child will be fully clothed (removing only their shoes), their height and weight will be measured and recorded by a trained member of the school health team.
- Children’s results will not be shared with school staff or other pupils.
- Your child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) centile is calculated.
Why is it important for my child to be measured?
- To identify if your child is in the healthy weight range.
- Every child who is measured helps us to build an understanding of how children are growing nationally.
- The measurements can offer an insight into a child’s overall health and highlight the need for dietary and lifestyle changes.
- Research shows us that growing healthily and maintaining a healthy weight throughout childhood is important for physical, social and mental wellbeing, and readiness to learn. It also lays a foundation for future wellbeing and employment.
What happens after my child has been measured?
- A results letter will be available for you to view in the Parent Portal (the link can be found on the letter sent home with your child).
- If your child’s BMI is found to be outside of healthy parameters you will be offered advice and support.
- The data collected will be anonymised and used by the Department of Health to monitor and improve the management of health and care services.
Healthy eating is also linked to good oral health
Having good oral health is an important aspect of a child’s overall health. Access the resources below for further information and advice.
You can also contact Connect for Health or visit our Change Makers webpage.
Call: 03300 245 204
Email: connectforhealth@compass-uk.org
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’s Voice matters project has found that children and young people may themselves recognise the benefits of being a healthy weight and having healthy teeth and gums. And some identify that they need help to make healthy choices to stay healthy, happy and well.