Published on: January 18, 2023
Compass Positive Effect, which delivers mental health and wellbeing training, has completed a workshop with the Read School, near Selby in North Yorkshire.
The school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead had identified a need for Mental Health Foundation training and asked Positive Effect Trainer, Danielle Grant, to come to the Read School and deliver a 2.5 hour workshop during the school’s In Service Training Day to members of staff
The training package introduced issues around children’s mental health, the impact on their learning and how to best support them in school.
Danielle delivered her training in the Old Chapel, now converted into a drama studio.
She said: “There were nearly 50 delegates; made up of teaching staff, support staff, senior leadership and boarding staff – working with those pupils that stayed on site.
“There were several opportunities for group work on the nine tables and the whole staff were really engaged and contributed interesting ideas and shared some stories of their experiences within the school.
“It was a wonderful opportunity to deliver some face to face training and the workshop felt really well placed and was received well.”
Rose Kearns, Assistant Director – Business Development, said: “This training course was originally developed by the Compass BUZZ team for North Yorkshire schools.”
She added: “It is really valuable that schools anywhere are able to benefit from this legacy, tapping into Compass’s collected skills, through Danielle and Positive Effect.”