Published on: March 28, 2024
Staff at our Compass Be mental health support team in Barnsley have created and starred in a video to celebrate International Day of Happiness.
Kirsty Taylor, healthy peer relationship practitioner, created the two minute YouTube reel to promote maintaining good wellbeing.
She said: “I asked for volunteers to share their thoughts on video for the project. The aim was then for the video to be shared to the team via email as a reminder to keep doing the things that make them happy and maintain their good wellbeing and for the video to be shared on social media.”
Kirsty created slides with wellbeing messages which were placed between clips of colleagues. She then chose a jingle to play between videos and added ‘fun facts’ slides to maintain interest. The video was created with the online editing tool, Canva.
So, what does make our staff happy? Well, of course, they were happy to tell us!

“Hi I’m Kim Pearson one of the mental health practitioners at Compass B and the thing that makes me happy is playing games with my family!”

“Hi, I’m Kirsty – healthy peer relationship practitioner at Compass Be – the thing that keeps me at my happiest is going for walks. I love a good sunset or a good sunrise. Here are a few of my favourite pictures from my walks over the past few months.”

“Hello! I’m Helen, I also work for Compass Be and I helped myself to stay happy by swimming and doing Joe Wicks after the pandemic. I also like go watch films at the cinema.
I really like cooking healthy food. I like making art, going to exhibitions and I really like laughing with my friends.”

“Okay, Hi my name is Barney. I am a traineeeducation Mental Health practitioner here at Compass Be and I take care of my well-being by playing football and going for a run maybe doing some yoga from time to time and doing some meditation.
Valuing every individual
Kirsty said: “As a children’s mental health team, it is important that we take care of our own wellbeing and that after working hard to support children, young people and families every day we also take the time to do things to make ourselves happy.
She felt making the video keyed into the Compass value of ‘Valuing every individual’.
“It promotes different interests, skills and needs of colleagues and models what staff at Compass Be do for wellbeing to support with their role and the work they do.”
And she added: “I really enjoyed making this video, I spent time at the end of each day putting it together bit by bit. I felt it was a relaxing way to end my day and something different to do within my role!’’