Published on: September 27, 2022
Compass Be is the new name for Barnsley MHST, chosen by children and young people in Barnsley.
Jan Smith, Operations Director at Compass said: ‘It is great to see the branding work conclude in Barnsley MHST following consultation with children, young people, staff and stakeholders.
“Compass Be and the logo that has been created really gives the service an identity which matches the principles of our work connecting children and young people with activities and support to be mentally healthy.
“The logo and team name also helps us establish the service in our local community under a cohesive brand. I would like to thank all of those involved for spending time and offering creative ideas to the process’
The consultation and design team was made up of Lucie Mountain the Marketing and Digital Communications Officer for Barnsley, Emma Turton a Trainee Education mental health practitioner and Thompson Charuma, Assistant Education mental health practitioner.
The branding process consisted of a round of initial consultations conducted by Emma and Thompson to find out what children and young people understood about mental health. These took place in eight establishments in Barnsley including Barnsley Youth Council, Wellgate Primary, Horizon CC, Hoyland Common Primary, Netherwood Academy, YMCA, Care 4 us Council, and Chilypep.
Lucie designed several brand concepts to simply portray our offer and values. The themes were trees and growth, cloud theme, generic colourful shape theme and bee hive theme.

The Barnsley team were included in coming up with name ideas which they then voted on to a shortlist of five names.
As the final part of the brand consultation, Emma and Thompson joined community groups and local events, including Bee Kind Festival to receive feedback and votes on the names, logo designs, brand concepts, font styles and colour palettes.
A total of 75 children and young adults took part and the overall winner was Compass Be with 28 votes. In joint first place for the branding visuals was the tree and growth theme and the bee hive hexagon theme.
Lucie integrated these themes together to form the final brand identity. She says “It encapsulates everything that the service is trying to achieve, it is all about building connections and strength, growing, nurturing and togetherness”.
Louise Doughty, a team leader at Compass Be is delighted with the new service name, “The change from being “Compass Barnsley” to “Compass Be” has given the whole team a sense of identity. I love the implications of what identity can give us moving forward. It has been an inspiration for us in terms of service promotion and the name will lend itself to any projects we can imagine such as upcoming events for world mental health day promotion – #BeValued.
The logo sends a powerful message of how we are all connected and also closely links us with our partners in CAMHS and Branching Minds. The colours are vivid and design has allowed us to clearly brand our health promotion materials so they are easily identifiable. Every time I look at the resources the team is producing in the new branding, I feel incredibly proud and I am so pleased that the quality of the documents is now equal to the quality of the content in it.”
The team have worked really hard to create something that stands out, is engaging and helps to eradicate the stigma around mental health amongst CYPs and their parents/carers!
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Twitter: @compassBeMHST
Facebook: @compassBeMHST
Linkedin: @compassBeMHST