Published on: July 25, 2023
The Kingsmead team launched an anxiety workshop after looking at different ways to adapt and work effectively with our SEN schools to ensure that Compass Changing Lives is easily accessible to every child who needs our support.
In one of the team’s weekly link sessions, one of the topics that was raised was around child anxiety and how this was starting to affect school attendance. So the team looked at ways to see how we could support the school.
Not all children and young people are suitable for one-to-one support so the Kingsmead team created a one-off anxiety workshop for parents, and a separate workshop aimed at their children and young people.
The school we worked with identified a small group of young people that they felt would benefit from the workshop. The aim was to ensure that parents, school and young people all receive the same information and support.
The workshop was delivered by Kingsmead team members, Lisa Harper, trainee education mental health practitioner, and Katrina Clowes, mental health practitioner at Compass Changing Lives.
Katrina said: “The session went really well and the parents were very engaged. They were happy to share experiences of how we could engage their young people who we were going to be delivering a workshop to.”
One of the parents who attended said: “It was very informative and made me think about things very differently”.
Another parent commented: “I Felt comfortable in a small group and reassured about my feelings”
The Kingsmead team are currently trialling the workshop and looking at ways to further develop it so it can be offered to all the SEN schools that we support across Derby and Derbyshire.
Derby and Derbyshire Mental Health Support , mental health , MHSTs , Schools , whole school approach