Published on: August 28, 2024
Compass Changing Lives’ Staff Wellbeing Group has been continuing their work at finding ways to improve colleague wellbeing at the service.
The Staff Wellbeing Group is a focus group whose mission is to improve colleague wellbeing. To achieve this, they run service wide initiatives, survey staff for input and hold regular meeting to discuss plans and ideas.
Recently, a Wellbeing Space was created in Changing Lives’ Derby Office. This is a designated safe space where colleagues can relax and decompress during work.
This was the result of the wellbeing group identifying the colleague need for such an area, and collating ideas and feedback as to what shape it would take. Service wide feedback determined aspects such as the content and decorative style of the space, as well as guidelines such as “no talking about work” and “no eating” to preserve the peaceful nature of the space.
The new space was made possible by the expansion of the Derby office, after the service grew to include the new Early Intervention and Targeted Support Service.
The space is still very much a work in progress, and will evolve with the focus group and colleague feedback.
One new way the Wellbeing Group have to get feedback like this is through their new suggestion boxes. They have put together an online “Suggestion Box” where staff can give anonymous feedback on what can be done to improve the experience of working at Changing Lives. Boxes have been placed in both the Derby and Chesterfield offices to collate more responses.
The suggestions made by staff will all be read and discussed by the Wellbeing Focus Group at their regular meetings. When these suggestions are within the scope and remit of the Focus Group, they do what they can to make them happen. Other suggestions are still taken seriously, and are taken to the appropriate forums for consideration, with the Wellbeing Group acting as advocates for their colleagues.
The Wellbeing Group shares their updates with Changing Lives colleagues through a quarterly “Wellbeing Newsletter”, the first being shared in July of this year. This includes progress reports on established wellbeing projects, and shares what the group will be working on next. Additionally, it includes reminders of benefits staff at Changing Lives receive but might not be using, and wellbeing advice they might find useful. The next issue is expected in October.
As a mental health and emotional wellbeing service for children and young people in Derby and Derbyshire, Changing Lives’ staff are talking about the mental health and wellbeing of other people all day every day. Changing Lives feels that it’s important that this isn’t at the expense of their own wellbeing.
Working in mental health can be challenging, especially when working with vulnerable young people. Sessions can be emotionally charged, conversations might bump against difficult topics, and through it all Changing Lives practitioners are strong, professional and compassionate.
The Wellbeing Group represents one avenue where Changing Lives is making efforts to support their staff, and to practice what they preach regarding wellbeing. The Wellbeing Group will achieve more as time goes on, and more colleagues get involved.
Derby and Derbyshire Mental Health Support , staff wellbeing , wellbeing