Published on: January 25, 2023
Staff at Compass’s Children and Young People’s Drug and Alcohol Service (CYPDAS) in Warwickshire got their popular manager a new t-shirt to commemorate his tidal wave of information and experience.
Stu Haste quickly made a good impression on his staff when he took over the team six months ago.
Substance misuse worker for CYPDAS, Robyn Fisher, said: “I coined the phrase Stu-nami after a lot of information hit us like a big wave and we all felt a bit dazed.
“He now warns us when a Stu-nami is coming, so we can prepare ourselves!”
Stu is delighted with the t-shirt tribute. He said: “I felt humbled that the team had taken the trouble to arrange a unique present like this. I was very touched.
“The CYPDAS team is very special, made up of very talented and committed people who are always finding solutions to support children and young people in Warwickshire.
“I’m very proud of their achievements and passion. I want to share my knowledge and experience – and listen to others’ too. The more we do this, the more staff are empowering the young people who use our service.”
Robyn said: “It has been amazing to see how Stu really looks after his staff and now, how much can be achieved.
And she added: “I have that renewed excitement about our service that I did when I first started in substance misuse and that is all thanks to Stuart and our fantastic team!”