Published on: April 30, 2024
Four staff members at Compass have received our Values Champions awards for exemplifying our organisation’s ethos.

Emma Turton, Natalie Mason, Carla Hickman and Ruth Nichols travelled from their Compass services around the country to be honoured by Chief Executive Rachel Bundock.
The four were chosen by Rachel from dozens of staff nominated by managers.
She said: “Our Compass values of integrity, valuing each individual, being solution focused and being consistent and reliable are what guide us in everything we do.

Values in mind
“Our services to children and young people and families are devised with these values in mind. And they are always of the utmost importance to us as we go about our day-to-day work.
“Our recruitment, partnership and team working is values-based and are our performance appraisals are values-based.
““It is a simple but powerful way of maintaining our culture of kindness and openness alongside a responsibility to always do the best we can.”
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Emma – Integrity award winner.
“For seeking to improve on your exceptionally well received workshops, for your commitment to ensure the service remains ahead of need, for continuing to surprise and excite management with your creative ideas, for working in your own time to produce engaging material.”
Natalie: Valuing Each Individual award winner
“For valuing every person you come into contact with, for respecting cultural differences among young people to enable them to be successfully engaged, for raising awareness among our staff and partners about Violence Against Women and Girls and for identifying areas where diversity can be better addressed.”
Carla Hickman, Being Solution Focused award winner
“For foreseeing problems and solving them before they become an issue, for your nothing-is-too-much-trouble attitude to work, for teaching yourself about systems to be able to support and train staff and for actively supporting stakeholders any way you can.”
Ruth – Consistent and Reliable Approach award winner
“For excelling in all your work, for your wonderful way with young people, for looking for new challenges and creating resources to meet them, for being positive, with a cheery outlook, for working consistently to achieve objectives, for your willingness to support colleagues.”