Published on: July 6, 2021
Isabelle Senior, a Trainee Educational Mental Health Practitioner at Barnsley Mental Health Support Team tells us how she feels about working at Compass.
Since joining Barnsley’s Mental Health Support Team (MHST) as a Trainee EMHP four months ago, everyone has been hugely supportive and welcoming.
I instantly felt like part of the team, despite the unusual circumstances of joining amidst a global pandemic and having to adjust to a virtual way of working.
The service implemented daily check ins and meetings to allow the team to get to know each other on a personal and professional level.
I have three working days a week working within the service, providing emotional health and wellbeing support for children and young people. On the remaining two days I attend The University of Sheffield, where I learn how to deliver low intensity assessments and interventions. This provides an effective balance between learning and having the opportunity to implement my learning in practice.
What do you like most about your job
My favourite aspect of my job is that no single day is the same. I work directly with school staff, young people, parents/carers and with other local services, which brings lots of diversity to the role.
Would you recommend your role to others?
I would recommend the Trainee EMHP role to others because it provides lots of opportunities for learning and development. Since joining the team, I have learned so much and I am continuing to learn every day, whether that be from my experienced team, the university course, training opportunities or from the inspiring young people that I support.
Would you recommend working for Compass to others?
I would recommend working for Compass to others. They are passionate about supporting staff wellbeing and will make you feel encouraged and supported in your role. As a trainee EMHP, I feel that my contribution to the team is truly valued and respected. Furthermore, my commitment to my work is always recognised, which makes me feel like a valued member of the team.
Working to our Compass values
I provide one-to-one and group work for young people to help them understand and manage their difficulties. The recruitment of Trainee EMHPs has expanded the team. It has increased the capacity of practitioners available to carry out direct work with children and young people. This meets the emerging need for children and young people’s mental health services and will improve access to mental health services for them by ensuring that waiting times for treatment remain short. As a Trainee EMHP, I embed Compass’ values in my everyday work. I respect the views of the young people, families and education staff that I work with and ensuring that their voices are heard.