Compass Shine’s new social media platforms
Compass Shine’s new social media platforms.
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Compass Shine’s new social media platforms.
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Compass Phoenix new social media platforms.
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Changing Lives visited the Sikh community in Derby at a Gurdwara to talk to talk to young people about how to break down barriers to accessing mental health support.
Anti Bullying Week this year had the theme “Choose Respect”. Changing Lives explored this with children and young people around Derby and Derbyshire.
10th October marked World Mental Health Day, and Changing Lives celebrated in a number of ways across Derby and Derbyshire.
Compass Changing Lives attended Fresher’s Fairs across Derby College Group’s Campuses to introduce themselves to the new students.
Colleagues came together for the Compass Changing Lives summer Team Away Day in Castleton, Derbyshire, to have fun and get to know each other better.
Compass Changing Lives staff organised a day of activities themed around the 5 Ways To Wellbeing at Lady Manners School in Bakewell.
Compass Changing Lives’ Staff Wellbeing Group has been continuing their work at finding ways to improve colleague wellbeing at the service.
Compass Changing Lives staff went for their first Wellness Walk over the hills of Derbyshire in June.
#maywemovetogether in 2024 was an annual celebration of movement and its benefits to mental health by Compass Changing Lives.