Published on: April 20, 2023
Staff at our new emotional health and wellbeing service for children and young people in their communities in Wakefield say have been warmly welcomed the Compass way.
A three day induction event, in which our values and ways of working were introduced and embedded, culminated in them devising and performing a rap song along with the HR Director Kim Jones and Regional Director Jane Wright.
Compass Wakefield Manager Vick Hanley said: “The induction was just such a lot of fun. It was just fantastic to see our new staff singing and dancing with our senior management team. It was a great way to end a really successful event and I think it instilled the fact that we are an organisation which really believes in our staff and that everyone’s approachable.”
Earlier, the new team had been introduced to Compass’s Mission, Vision and Values by CEO Rachel Bundock, its computer systems and IT, data and incident reporting procedures,
They received Health and Safety and Information Governance training and were introduced to the organisation’s communications ethos. There was also a presentation on the service’s operating model.
Debbie Tolson says first impressions count
Debbie says: “From the first day and when we met them, I just got a lovely vibe off them straight away from it.
“What I’m seeing is how they are towards you. They do really seem like they’re interested in you, they care about you and that’s by the second day of the induction. It feels very genuine. It feels like I’ve be able to do be myself. It feels like I’m in the right environment. You’re doing it with people around you that have got the same feelings and values – the same feelings about what we want to do in Wakefield.
“We want to in a team to make changes for young people in Wakefield and just make them have a better chance in life. They’re our future. I know it might sound cheesy but they’re our future and we invest in them as much as we can and get them the right support when they need it.”
Julie Godwin says she feels part of the team already
Julie says: “So this is the second day of induction and all I can say is I’ve felt very welcomed. I feel part of a team already. Everybody’s so nice. There is a lot to take on board, a lot of information, but they’re constantly reinforcing that it’s okay, it takes time.
The reason I feel welcome is because usually it takes me a while to be myself around people because I can be quite shy at first, but I just naturally feel like I can be mysel
“I’m really excited about helping young people. I’m hoping to bring my qualities, my skills to Compass and then also take theirs on board as well and just give it all I’ve got. But as far as the values that they’re they’re unbelievable.”
Donna Evans believes Compass Wakefield can make a big difference
“We’re on day two of the induction and the has been amazing. Coming here, everybody’s welcomed me. It’s very, very informative. Communication at Compass is absolutely second to none, and I think Compass have a lot to bring.
“I believe that we can affect some really good outcomes for Wakefield. It’s definitely very important for children to have a service like this that looks after the health and wellbeing of young people.”