Published on: December 12, 2022
Compass Positive Effect has completed its latest Community in Practice (CiP) web forum event for school staff who have attended our Senior Mental Health Lead training.
In all, 12 delegates attended the event on 7th December which was run by our Health and Wellbeing Trainer, Danielle Grant and independent consultant Adam Billson.
Following our two day DfE funded SMHL training, delegates are equipped to take their knowledge on the whole school approach (WSA) and start implementing their individualised school action plans, devised during protected time on the course.
Within two months, they are each booked in for a 60 minute one to one consultation for further support and ideas sharing. The Community in Practice group forum is the third element of the training and support package provided by Compass Positive Effect.
Danielle said: “During the 90 minute workshop this term, I presented a 45 minute webinar on the very important topic of ‘ensuring a good work-life balance’.
“And Adam returned to support delegates with a 30 minute workshop on ‘policy writing’ as part one of the Whole School Approach principles.
Danielle added: “The delegates had a 15 minutes networking opportunity at the end where I posed three questions and they were able to share ideas and discuss how initiatives had worked in their own school or college setting.
Rose Kearns, Business Development Assistant Director said that the Community in Practice forum was seen as a critical component of our fully grant funded SMHL training. It supported delegates to ensure children and young people were positively impacted in the individual schools represented.
The CiP events, therefore, provide opportunities to:
- Offer/receive support, share reflections and best practice.
- Seek advice, guidance and coaching from the trainers.
- Work collaboratively on challenges to identify solutions based on the experience of the group.
- Receive latest information on mental health issues, policy updates, differentiating need and thresholds.
- Facilitate ongoing development of SMHL role and own wellbeing/resilience.
- Celebrate successes.
- Remind SMHLs to access the knowledge hub.
A fourth, ongoing part of the training and support available, is the online knowledge hub – our repository of tried and tested resources, tips, examples of WSA principles in practice, case studies and more!