Published on: January 25, 2023
Integrity -Treating others with decency, fairness and being honest in all that we do. Valuing each other -Respecting the needs, skills, diversity and views of each person, irrespective of status. Being solution focused Responding flexibly and adapting quickly to current and emerging needs. Consistent and reliable Always delivering on our commitments.
Read the winners’ nominations
Being Solution Focused
Hannah Bell, Senior Admin, Compass GO!

Hannah is ‘the’ cog in our Compass Go… wheel. Hannah supports all staff, respecting their individual abilities and needs, and nothing is ever too much for her. Hannah takes the time needed to think through the best solution to any problems/issues/concerns that are presented to her.
Hannah has spent all of this year trying her best to create solutions to become efficient in performance and quality management, with great success. Hannah has a great intelligence about her that supports the team to approach her with any worries and know they will come away with a clear and effective answer and solution.
Hannah has gone above and beyond supporting the development of the EMIS system and has not once complained about the intricacies, in fact relishing the opportunity to learn something new to support her team to learn it in the best way possible.
The team functions so well because of Hannah’s ability- the organisation is a better place for Hannah’s solution focused thinking and approach and her offer to help anyone she comes across. This has been particularly evident this year as Hannah has found solutions to new challenges on the Management Information System and shared the solutions with colleagues across the MHST including driving to Lancashire when needed to support the wider Compass MHST team. – Laura Lockett

Hannah is focused on accuracy and timeliness and her strong organisational abilities not only solve problems as they arise but also prevent them as she encourages others to be prepared, from administrating MHCWG to planning office moves.
Integrity – Charlotte Box, Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner, Compass Phoenix

Integrity is something that underpins everything Charlotte does. Her openness and transparency models behaviours that encourages other team members to do the same. Charlotte was recently put forward to be interviewed for Compass points due to her values and commitment to the work that she does, we had no doubt that Charlotte would talk about Compass eloquently and fairly.
Doing the right thing is important to Charlotte and she achieves this in a friendly, professional, and consistent manner. Put in its most simple terms Charlotte does what she says she will do when she says she will do it, representing Compass Phoenix positively in her interaction with all stakeholders.
When Charlotte is met with a situation that seem unfair she seeks to find a professional resolution escalating issues where necessary. An example of this is recently, when working with a young person who was adopted by a family member, she sourced information on funding available to provide psychological support to the young person and family and shared this information with the family so that they could access it and get the best possible care available for the young person. – Lotty Jarvis

Her recent presentation to the team neurodiversity sparked lots of questions and conversations amongst the team , not least because of the interactive and engaging way she delivered the information and related it directly to providing the best possible service to young people by understanding their needs better. – Lotty Jarvis
Valuing Each Individual – Vicky Jones, Team Leader, Safe East

Vicky is an inspiring leader to her team as she is open and transparent with her communication, and she demonstrates ‘Good’ values effortlessly every day in all aspects of her work. Partner agencies within Tower Hamlets speak very highly of Vicky and regularly comment on her integrity and inclusivity.
Vicky was previously a practitioner within Tower Hamlets, so she worked directly with the young people. Despite now being a manager, the young people continue to want to share their journey with Vicky as she has always valued them as individuals, listened and provided a safe place for them to receive support. This is testament to Vicky’s approach as she is inclusive, empathetic and treats everyone equally with a no-judgement approach.
Listening is one of her key strengths. She regularly asks her colleagues and key stake holders for feedback and responds quickly and professionally. There has been many occasions when she has implemented changes to improve the service offer to key stakeholders as a result of feedback. She will go above and beyond which is one of the reasons the Health spot clinic was put forward for the London Young Peoples award this year. This was a clinic Vicky initiated with the local GP, Docklands outreach and Spotlight. Due to her vocalising local need she was able to set up this collaboration and is now in the process of setting up another one.
She encourages the team to be autonomous in their work and has had some great wins in doing so. Many staff have progressed under her leadership and either grown dramatically or left the service to pursue other roles.

Due to Vicky’s approach of valuing individuals the service has naturally developed internally and externally with partners as people gravitate towards collaborating with her to meet the needs to the service. She has been key in the services growth and this is due to her modelling ‘valuing individuals’. – Sonia Rayit
We will include a piece in a later edition about Abbie Sutton, at CYPDAS, who won the award for being Consistent and reliable.
Also nominated…
In all, 25 members of staff were nominated for an award. We thank them and all the managers who nominated them.

Being Solution Focused
Dan Streets, Debbie Wilkinson, Jess Raworth, Kirsty Taylor, Laura Lockett, Leanne Cook, Rachel Rigby
Consistent & Reliable Approach
Ella Waldock-Stanford, Federica Marzullo, Jake Pantony, Katie Pitchford-Morris, Natalie Mason, Sophie Flett, Sue King
Anthony McLarty, Niki Sullivan
Valuing Each Individual
Jackie Green, Cliff Edwards, Mandy Nunn, Mariam Sheriff