Published on: September 5, 2019
Warwickshire Children and Young People’s Drug & Alcohol Service(CYPDAS) commissioned by Public Health Warwickshire to provide countywide support for children and young adults up to the age of 25 who are at an increased vulnerability to misusing substances or who are/have been affected by another’s substance use. This includes young people who have been identified as vulnerable to developing problematic substance use or dependency and associated risk taking behaviour’s. We directly work with ‘at risk’ and priority. Groups of children and young people (e.g. Children Looked After, Young Carers, NEET, truants/excludees, children affected by parental substance misuse, mental health and domestic violence and abuse).
Within our Warwickshire Hub we have two Qualified Social Workers who work as Drug and Alcohol Workers one based in Rugby and one based in Stratford. We also have our Youth Justice worker who works with Young people who are currently on a court order with a Drug or Alcohol problem. We also have two Drug and Alcohol practitioner based mainly in the Nuneaton area.
The service we provide is friendly, confidential and free of charge. We deliver out reach services in places like schools, colleges youth clubs, community venues and home visits. We offer different types of support depending on the needs of the individual including appropriate information and advice, holistic assessments, structured care planning, in places like schools and colleges.
Monday to Friday 9-5pm we provide Chat health Teen Line, a texting service for young people aged 11-19 years .(Number will be provided below) in Warwickshire to enable them to get advice and support about health related issues.
Referrals into the service can be made in various different ways such as, secure email from professional to professional, online form via compass website (www.compass-uk.org) and self referral over the phone.
Once a referral has been received we will make initial contact with the child or young person within 5 working days. However we are unable to work with a young person without either there written or verbal consent, meaning there signature must be provided on the referral form given.
If you would like anymore information about how Warwickshire CYPDAS can help you or someone you know please contact one of the team on – 01788 578227.