These resources for children and young people with SEND include information, guidance and support for parents/carers on a range of health & wellbeing topics, as well as activities to promote key health messages that can be used with children and young people by either families or professionals.
Need some support?
Remember, Connect for Health is here to support children and young people aged up to 25 who have SEND, as well as their parents/carers. We can offer support on a range of topics, including continence, emotions, sleep, specific health conditions and more.

Young people with SEND aged 11-25 can text a nurse via ChatHealth, our confidential text messaging service, for advice and support. The number is 07507 331 525.
Parents/carers can text a nurse through Parentline on 07520 619 376, or can call us 03300 245 204. Find out more about how to access the service.