Our service, commissioned by the NHS, provides emotional health and wellbeing services for children and young people in their communities in Wakefield.
How the service can help you
We offer a range of advice, support and education on emotional health matters. We use text, web based and face to face chats to support children, young people and families to improve and maintain emotional health.
Compass staff can work with you if you’re experiencing mild, emerging emotional health difficulties and you want to stop things getting any worse.
So, issues may include low mood, anxiety, managing different emotions like anger, being scared, friendship groups, being bullied or online bullying, friendship problems, loneliness and sadness would also be addressed.
Compass staff, working in local communities, will offer
- Guided/self-help (online & face-to-face)
- Psychoeducation
- Supported referrals
- Peer support groups
- Parenting programmes
The new service, which is aligned to The Wakefield Resilience Framework will work closely with existing agencies in the district.
Wakefield Bereavement Service
Compass Wakefield has also now launched a specialist bereavement service for children and young people experiencing complicated grief. Read more here.
How you can access the service
We accept written Requests for Support from young people, parents, carers and professionals. Just fill in the Request for Support form below and return it to WakefieldCYPEWS@compass-uk.org
We’re trying to ensure you get help and support as easily as possible and in the way you want it.
Call us…
You can get in touch with us by phoning 01924 665 093.
Our Wakefield team are available Monday – Thursday, 9am to 4:30pm and Friday, 9am to 4pm (excluding bank holidays).
Text us
You can get in touch by texting BUZZ to 85258. The dedicated Wakefield District hotline will be staffed by real workers responding in real time.

Get in touch through the Wakey Wellness app
If you’ve got the app, you can request our support through that. Or you can use this link to the app too. Put your number into the log in box and we’ll send you a code to register first.
Download our new Wakey Wellness app here.

Read all about our new Wakey Wellness app which we’ve developed especially for children, young people and families in the Wakefield area.

Young people can also use the existing WF-ICAN website – including self-help resources, health promotion and protection resources, information, advice and signposting.
For emergency support
Call 999
You should only contact the emergency services on 999 or go to your nearest A&E if:
- Someone’s life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose
- You do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe.
Additionally there is also Safe Space for those 16+ – click here. Community Wakefield
CAMHS – South West Yorkshire Partnership Foundation Trust.
Monday to Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wakefield CAMHS Single Point of Access (SPA) team: 01977 735865. Will take both self/parental referrals and professional referrals. There is also an online referral form on Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) in Wakefield – South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
ReACH Team is available
Monday to Sunday, 9:00am – 8:00pm
For urgent support that cannot wait until the next day, you can contact the CAMHS ReACH team (previously crisis team), on: 01977 735865.
If you already get mental health support from the NHS or another organisation,
please contact the service that helps you

Contact your GP
You can contact your out of hours GP (by calling your practice number as usual) or NHS 111 any time.
Contact Night OWLS (West Yorkshire only). Call free on 0800 148 8244, text on
07984 392700 or chat online: www.wynightowls.org.uk from 8pm–8am every day
If you don’t currently use mental health services, you can contact
Single Point of Access (SPA) teams:
- Wakefield: 01977 735865
- Barnsley: 01226 644829
- Calderdale: 01422 300001
- Kirklees: 0300 304 5555
- Childline: Free, confidential support, available any time. Call 0800 1111
- Papyrus: Support 9am to midnight every day on 0800 068 4141 or text 07860039967
- Samaritans: Free to call, 24/7, 365 days a year. Call them on 116 123
- Shout: Text BUZZ to 85258 for free, confidential, 24/7 support